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Ex. 1 Read the text. Gorky Park turns itself over to food once more for its third annual Festival of Food

Gorky Park turns itself over to food once more for its third annual Festival of Food. There will be the usual master classes, lectures and dozens of different food outlets; entry is 600 rubles. Many cafes will have special menus for the event. Be warned that lines can be very long at times. If you get bored, you can check out the communication tube that has just opened in the park, which allows you to speak with whoever is at a tube on New Holland Island in St. Petersburg.

The Moscow News, in partnership with Sberbank Premier, is giving away three free tickets to the festival (complete with a free lunch from Veranda restaurant) and three hammocks to the first six readers who send a recipe for their favorite Russian dish to [email protected].

KrasnayaPresnya Park will be the stage for Double Play, a theater and music festival on Sep. 1 offering a series of workshops by directors and musicians. The evening will see a series of shows by small, independent theater groups before the headliners, Belarusian indie-rock group The Toobes – who are big in Poland, apparently – finish the day.

The 8th Mikael Tariverdiev International Organ Competition will see 15 musicians from seven countries compete against each other on Sep. 2 and 3 at the Glinka Museum. Michael Bauer, professor of organ and church music at the University of Kansas, will perform in a concert titled “Five Centuries of the Organ” on Sep. 4, playing music from the early Baroque period to 21st century American composers. The final round of the competition takes place the following weekend in Kaliningrad.

The Pushkin Museum is putting the scrapbooks of 40 pre-revolutionary noble families on show. The books were often passed on from generation to generation. One of the most interesting is from the Bakunin-Poltoratsky family. The book was begun by Pavel Bakunin, a diplomat, in the late 18th century and contains drawings of places the family visited by various European artists. The books often had autographs of visitors to the families’ houses – one is signed by Tsar Alexander I. Runs till Nov. 17.


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