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Grammar practice

Ex. 1 Complete this telephone conversation with the correct Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Martha: Where (be) for the last hour? We (get) quite worried about you since you didn't arrive at 8!

George: We (be) stuck in traffic for nearly an hour, but we should be there soon.

Martha: OK. We (wait) to start dinner for ages, but we can wait a little longer.

George: Sorry about that, but it's not the first time we (have) such trouble. This place is terrible for traffic at this hour! I (never see) it so congested!

Martha: Yes, I know. Where are you now?

George: Well, we (just pass) the big hospital, which is about two kilometres from your house.

Martha: Oh, yes. You'll probably need another 20 minutes, because they (mend) the road for the past week. It's all blocked off, so you'll have to turn off before the petrol station.

George: OK. See you soon. Bye.


Ex. 2 Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the correct form of a verb in the Present Perfect from the box below. Use each verb only once. There is one verb that you don't need.

leave propose pass increase be start become find exist battle patrol


The problem of forest fires (1) over the past few years. In the hot dry summer months of recent years, all of us (2) used to seeing such fires reported regularly on the news. How these fires start is something of a mystery, and many arguments (3) to explain their cause. Some say that the fires (4) deliberately, while others say that careless foreign tourists (5) broken bottles lying around in the countryside. These then catch the sun's rays and can easily start a fire. Fire-fighters (6) with this problem almost continuously for the last 2 years, and (7) that families out for a day's picnic (8) careful enough when putting out camp fires, and it only takes a few dry leaves to turn into a raging fire, which can devastate huge areas of land. The government (9) a new law, which forbids the lighting of any fires on forest land, and all campers must put their tents on official campsites. Since the new law came into force, police and forest rangers (10) forest areas on the lookout for anyone breaking the rules.

It is hoped that this will cut down on the frequency of fires.


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