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Lesson 9

Theme: "Life in Great Britain and Kazakhstan" 17.12.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: role play, consolidation


- to develop intercultural competence,

- to enrich pupils' knowledge about life in Britain and in Kazakhstan,

- to review the new words

- to develop pupils' speaking, reading and writing skills,

- to develop pupils' abilities in reading for understanding,

- to enlarge pupils' interest in learning the foreign language.

Equipment of the lesson: interactive board, a tape-recorder, a table.

# Stage (ESA) Procedure Time Materials Note  
  Organization moment. - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Life in Great Britain and Kazakhstan" 1 min      
  Engage Warm-up: T: What season is it now? P: It is winter now. T: Do you like winter? P: Yes, I like winter. T: Please pay attention to the activeboard. It is winter. It is so beautiful. It is white. The weather is so cold, but the air is clear and fresh. Do you like it? Please describe this picture, (one of the students) T: Look at the activeboard again. You see a poem. I will read it and you must listen attentively. After me you will read as you can. Get to know the laws of life, Let your soul be full of Ugh t. One of you could be a poet, One will take a science road, You willserve for motherland Spreading love for all. Айналайын дарын бол, Сонбейтурын жалын бол. К, атардан ащан ак,ын бол,.Не болмаса ралым бол, Халцыц уш'ш к^ызмет к,ыл, Тэмэм журтца мэл'ш бол. 7 min      
  Engage Introduction of the new material. T: I will divide you into 2 groups: group A and group B. You will compete today in showing how well you know English. Good luck to you! The theme of the lesson: "Life in Britain and in Kazakhstan". T: At first let's review the new words. Pay attention to the active board. One hour a day, three times a week, weekend, bowling, burger, restaurant, cereal, every day, go cycling, go to the cinema, meal, orange juice, pasta, quiz show, toast, vegetables, walk. T: Now let's review Present Simple grammar material. Look at the activeboard. Here you see the verbs: Make - makes Write - writes Take - takes Read - reads, etc 6 min      
  Activate Listen and answer the questions. My name is John and I'm from Britain. I watch TV for an hour and a half every day. My favourite program is "Dancing with the stars". I also like cartoons. I don't like sports programs. I don't have a big breakfast. I just have orange juice and cereal. My favorite food is spaghetti and vegetable soup. I don't like fish or hot dogs. My favourite sport is volleyball and I also like running and swimming. I don't like football, at the weekend I meet my friends and we go cycling or swimming. 1) How long does John watch TV? (About an hour and a half.) 2) What is his favourite program? ("Dancing with the stars".) 3) Does he like sports programs? (No, he doesn't.) 4) What is his favourite food? (Spaghetti and vegetable soup.) 5) What is his favourite sport? (Volleyball.) 6) What does John do at the weekend? (He goes cycling or swimming with her friends.) 15 min      
  Activate Speaking. Ask and answer these questions. Write notes. Don't show them to your classmate. 1) One hour a day. 2) My favorite TV program is music (cartoons, etc.). 3) I have bread, tea and a cup of milk. 4) My favorite food is pizza, hamburgers. 5) My favorite sport is football. 6) I play volleyball (I go swimming, etc.). 7) I play computer games (I go to the cinema, etc.). 4. Writing. a) Think about someone you know - your brother, sister, best friend, etc. Make notes under these headings: (see Appendix to the lesson) 7 min      
  Activate 5. Look at the activeboard. Here you see a text about Peter. What must you do? At first you will read, then write your own sentences like this. But be careful! Here you must write about your family, for example, your brother or sister, your friend. Peter watches TV for 2 hours a day. His favorite TV program is Teen Titans. His favorite food is pizza and his favorite sport is basketball. He goes swimming. At the weekend he plays with his friends in the park and goes to the cinema. He likes bowling but he doesn't like walking in the country. "Fun sport. " T: Guess the sport. Match the sports to the pictures. 1 - Skateboarding; 2 - Bowling; 3 - Volleyball; 4 - Swimming; 5 - Tennis; 6 - Cycling; 7 - Football; 8 - Basketball; 9 - Running. 10 Homework. 8 min      
  Summary Conclusion. That's all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our lesson. The lesson is over. Home task… 1 min      

Appendix to the lesson

Television Food Sport At the weekend  
2 hours pizza basketball Play with the friend  
comedy beshbarmak   Go to the cinema  

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