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Read the title of the staff report and the proper names and predict what the text is about. Then while listening check your suppositions

3. Speed listening. Note only the essential details of what you hear:

1. The IAEA…..

2. The event highlights…..

3. The IAEA supports…..

4. Projects…

5. The event is marked…

6. World Environment Day


4. General information: Complete the chart with the basic ideas:


What? Where? When? Who? How?   Why?

5. Decide whether these statements are true or false and make necessary corrections:

1. The IAEA accepts that climate change is among the most important questions of our era.

2. On the World Environment Day the main attention was paid to improved energy efficiency.

3. The IAEA is not ready to support existing nuclear programmes but not to share nuclear information.

4. Nuclear power emits the same quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) as wind and hydro power.

5. Today, nuclear power supplies about 15 regions in the world with electricity.

6. Projects in Metro Manila, Philippines, and in Mexico City are the only examples of the IAEA’s activities which address environmental issues.

7. The main celebrations of World Environment Day took place at the Vienna International Centre.


6. Gap filling: Listen once again and complete the gaps in the summary of the passage below with the correct word or phrase you hear:

On the World Environment Day the IAEA once again recognizes that climate change is among ________________. The initiatives of the Agency are aimed at promoting _______________ such as improved energy efficiency, alternative energy sources, __________and _________.

Through the work of the Department of Nuclear Energy, the IAEA supports___________, catalyzes___________, conducts _________.

The volume of carbon dioxide emitted by nuclear power is ________.

Two examples of how the IAEA is dealing with the environmental issues with the help of nuclear technologies include_____________.

World Environment Day is marked all over the world by __________.

7. Work in pairs or groups. Discuss the topic mentioned in the staff report “Agency’s Initiatives on Environment Recognized on World Environment Day “.

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