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Vitaly Klitschko


Baturo Alexander 7 "A" class


Vitaly Klitschko - world boxing champion.Native village Belovodskoe Moscow district of the Kirghiz SSR. Together with his parents (his father - an officer aviation, mother - Employee) and his younger brother Vladimir (he also became a boxer with a world name) lived in various parts of the Soviet Union. In 1985 the family moved to Ukraine.

In 1995 he graduated from the Klitschko Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute im.Dragomanova (specialty - teacher of physical education). PhD in physical education and sport (he defended his thesis on " Methods of determining the ability of boxers in the system of multi-stage selection of sports ").

Started boxing at age 14. One time became interested in kickboxing (and quite successfully performed). For 30 -year-old sports career reached the heights of world-class (1996 - in professional boxing).

Klitschko - a six-time world kickboxing champion, three-time champion of Ukraine in boxing, a silver medalist at the World Amateur, multiple European champion among professionals, intercontinental champion WBO and WBA, world champion in the heavyweight division by the WBO and WBC.

According to statistics, an amateur boxer spent 210 fights (185 won, 80 - KO). Professional boxing - 37 fights (35 wins ahead, 2 defeats). In 1999, included in the Guinness Book of Records as the first world champion in the heavyweight division, which has won 26 fights by knockout, for which he needed the least amount of rounds. Awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine.

In 2007, to the delight of thousands of fans from around the world, announced his decision to return to professional sports. He announced that he is ready to fight for the championship in the heavyweight division the best of today. True, the first battle because the resulting spinal injury in training had to be postponed. Nevertheless, the elder Klitschko remained priority challenger belt world champion in the most prestigious version - WBC.

As a result, 11 October 2008, had a fight with Samuel Peter, before the championship in selected Russian Oleg Maskaev. After the eighth round of the team nicknamed the black giant Nigerian Nightmare took a decision to terminate the match. Vitaly simply did not leave the enemy a chance to win.

March 22, 2009 defended his WBC heavyweight title in a fight against mandatory challenger Juan Carlos Gomez. The battle took place in Stuttgart, Germany. Decoupling battle came in the 9th round. After the second knockdown, is in serious condition, HK Gomez missed a lot of punches and fell into the ropes, turning his back to the enemy, then the referee stopped the bout.

September 26, 2009 Klitschko again fought in Los Angeles five years after the victory over Corey Sanders. Opponent was the then unbeaten American Chris Arreola. The bout was completed ahead of schedule in the 10th round by referee decision. Klitschko won all rounds on points.

December 12, 2009 in Bern (Switzerland) on the 17000th "PostFinance-Arena" Klitschko stepped into the ring against American Kevin Johnson. In this battle, the Ukrainian set a new record for the discarded jab in the heavyweight bout - 749. However, the opponent was able to survive all 12 rounds, and our champion won by unanimous decision.

May 29, 2010 Klitschko retained his title in a match against European champion Albert " Dragon " Sosnowski from Poland. The battle took place in Gelsenkirchen, Germany on 60000th stadium "Veltins Arena". Ukrainian dominated throughout the match, and won the victory for 39 seconds before the end of the 10th round. Klitschko actually locked his opponent off the ropes of the ring, and after a series of powerful blows Pole knelt. The referee stopped the fight, fixing the victory of our boxer.

October 16, 2010 defended his title in a fight with American Shannon Briggs. The bout was held in Hamburg, Germany at " O2 World". Unexpectedly for many Briggs lasted up to the championship round, although the battle is more like a beating. American eventually survived all 12 rounds, becoming just the third boxer who managed to conduct a full match with our champion. According to the results of Klitschko won by unanimous decision. After the fight, Briggs was taken to hospital, where doctors discovered he had several broken facial bones, including both cheekbones.

World Boxing Council named world champion by the WBC Ukrainian Vitali Klitschko the best puncher in the history of the heavyweight division.

In professional boxing match held 43: 41 wins (38 by KO), 2 losses.

In 2003, the Klitschko brothers presented their book " Our fitness. Simple Secrets of Champions" (released in several languages). It became a bestseller, at the Leipzig Book Fair, won the nomination "The best popular science book of the year."

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