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AGREEMENT. The tourist Company ____” in a person of Director General____ acting on the basis of the

For tour servicing

Moscow " __" 200_

The tourist Company "____________________________________” in a person of Director General____________________________ acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as "the Company", on the one part, and _________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as "the Customer", on the other part, have agreed on the following:

General Provisions

By making of tour voucher the Company and the Customer are thus concluding between themselves the Agreement for tour servicing. By this the Cornрапу undertakes the obligations to book air flights, hotel, transportation and excursion services which are rendered by foreign travel companies as well as to make corresponding transportation documents and the documents confirming booking and paying for the tour services included into the tour ordered by the Customer. The Customer, on his (her) part, undertakes the obligation for full payment of the tour voucher including possible penalties for the tour renouncement.

2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. The Company renders tour services to the Customer in accordance with its typical programmes and individual requests of the Customer as per the terms and amounts stated in the voucher.


Cost and payment for the tour voucher

3.1. Cost definition of the tour voucher is made by the Company's employee on the basis of the hotel catalogue.

3.2. Full payment is to be made not later than 17 days before the beginning of the tour.

3.3.If the tour cost has changed due to reasons which do not depend on the Company (namely, changing of tariffs, currency rates, visa and air terminals charges etc.) the Customer has aright to cancel the tour or to pay the stated sum additionally.

3.4. The payment is made in roubles at a rate of MMVB + 3 % for cash payment and 5 % — for non-cash transaction.



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