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Получение сертификата пользователя


univa@ubuntu:~$ source /usr/local/globus-4.0.8/etc/globus-user-env.sh

univa@ubuntu:~$ grid-cert-request

Enter your name, e.g., John Smith: univa

A certificate request and private key is being created.

You will be asked to enter a PEM pass phrase.

This pass phrase is akin to your account password,

and is used to protect your key file.

If you forget your pass phrase, you will need to

obtain a new certificate.

Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key


writing new private key to '/home/univa/.globus/userkey.pem'

Enter PEM pass phrase:

Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:


You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated

into your certificate request.

What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank

For some fields there will be a default value,

If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.


Level 0 Organization [Grid]:Level 0 Organizational Unit [GlobusTest]:Level 1 Organizational Unit [simpleCA-ubuntu]:Level 2 Organizational Unit []:Name (e.g., John M. Smith) []:


A private key and a certificate request has been generated with the subject:




If the CN=univa is not appropriate, rerun this

script with the -force -cn "Common Name" options.


Your private key is stored in /home/univa/.globus/userkey.pem

Your request is stored in /home/univa/.globus/usercert_request.pem


Please e-mail the request to the Globus Simple CA univa@ubuntu

You may use a command similar to the following:


cat /home/univa/.globus/usercert_request.pem | mail univa@ubuntu


Only use the above if this machine can send AND receive e-mail. if not, please

mail using some other method.


Your certificate will be mailed to you within two working days.

If you receive no response, contact Globus Simple CA at univa@ubuntu

univa@ubuntu:~$ grid-proxy-init -verify -debug


User Cert File: /home/univa/.globus/usercert.pem

User Key File: /home/univa/.globus/userkey.pem


Trusted CA Cert Dir: /etc/grid-security/certificates


Output File: /tmp/x509up_u1000

Your identity: /O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCA-ubuntu/CN=univa

Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:

Creating proxy........++++++++++++



Proxy Verify OK

Your proxy is valid until: Mon Jul 30 12:42:14 2012

univa@ubuntu:~$ rft -h ubuntu -f /tmp/rft.xfr

Number of transfers in this request: 1

Subscribed for overall status

Termination time to set: 60 minutes


Overall status of transfer:



Overall status of transfer:



All Transfers are completed

univa@ubuntu:~$ diff /etc/group /tmp/rftTest_Done.tmp

univa@ubuntu:~$ globusrun-ws -submit -c /bin/true

Submitting job...Done.

Job ID: uuid:e9708dee-d9df-11e1-81f0-d00d53770a02

Termination time: 07/31/2012 00:45 GMT

Current job state: Active

Current job state: CleanUp

Current job state: Done

Destroying job...Done.


univa@ubuntu:~$ echo $?

univa@ubuntu:~$ globusrun-ws -submit -c /bin/false

Submitting job...Done.

Job ID: uuid:0c7abf08-d9e0-11e1-82bc-d00d53770a02

Termination time: 07/31/2012 00:46 GMT

Current job state: Active

Current job state: CleanUp

Current job state: Done

Destroying job...Done.

univa@ubuntu:~$ echo $?



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