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VI.Fix the signs in the right place

Warning signs:

1) No smoking.

2) Danger.

3) Fragile.

4) Break this glass in case of fire.

5) Emergency exit.

6) To fire escape.

7) Do not touch.

8) Mind your head.

9) Fasten your seat- belts.

10) Press the button.

11) Wet paint.

12) Keep off the grass.


a) on the black door of a cinema or theatre.
b) in a hospital, in a coach, in a lecture hall.

c) in a garden.

d) in a corridor, with on arrow pointing right or left.

e) over a low door

f) in a museum, under a glasscase.

g) on a coin machine.

h) on the glass of a fire alarm.

i) in a plane.

j) beside the road to warn motorists.

k) on a bench.

l) on a case containing breakable objects.

VII. Learn military commands and word expressions by heart.

VIII. Change the following into Future Indefinite.

1. The students have dictations twice a week. 2. I spend my summer holidays in the country. 3. Our professor left for Kyiv on Monday. 4. She agrees with him. 5. Our school year begins on the 1st of September. 6. We do our homework in the afternoon. 7. My brother is a lawyer. 8. I saw him at school. 9. We sleep in the open air. 10. Her husband worked at the university. 11. They are at home. 12. I am busy on weekdays.

IX. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The meeting will begin at eight. 2. They will be in Brussels the day after tomorrow. 3. She will cook breakfast for us. 4. We’ll ask him later. 5. The boy will be seven next year. 6. The plane will take off in five minutes. 7. We’ll climb the mountain next week. 8. I shall see you on Monday. 9. I'll buy a camera next month. 10. They'll tell us about it.

X. Put questions to the italicized words.

1. Our friends will come to see us today. 2. They will arrive in some minutes. 3. His parents will be at home after six. 4. The peace talks will be held next month in Vienna. 5. Jack won't go to the cinema because he is busy. 6. We'll play chess this evening. 7. We'll get up at seven tomorrow. 8. The plant will make agricultural machines.

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