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Комиссару Совета Безопасности Европы

It is possible to claim that the corruption in Russia became the main branch of the power and threatens not only Russia, but also all democratic states, creeping away together with oil and finance (received in a criminal way) on economies of other countries.

Realizing the reality of threat to the democracy of the world community coming from Russia together with epidemic of corruption, extending worldwide with corruption investments, I, Victor Sorokin, the citizen of the Russian Federation, ask to gather all my appeals and complaints to the European Court of Human Rights, to carry out the analysis of these documents and the given facts, and to consider them objectively and reasonably, having excluded possibility of misinforming and falsification from the Russian representatives.


The list of the complaints made from 2011 to 2013:

I. Episodes of ill-treatment and criminal actions in reprisal for the anti-corruption activity, criminal cases: No.905853, No. 91625, No. 624043 dated 2009. Ceasing of investigation of Mr. Sorokin’s statements about corruption.:


1.) The complaint sent to ECtHR on 12.04.2011. – this complaint was probably ceased by the Russian Federation and didn't reach ECtHR as nothing is known about it (Appendix No. 1, p. 1)

2.) The complaint received by ECtHR on 20.07.2011 – the number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 2, p. 2)

3.) The complaint received by ECtHR on 21.12.2011 – number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 3, p. 3)

4.) The complaint No. 2319/12 – from V. Sorokin was declared unreasonably unacceptable by the judge K. Hajiev. (Appendix No. 4, p. 4)

5.) The complaint No. 58290/12 – from V. Sorokin was declared unreasonably unacceptable by the judge C. Birsan. (Appendix No. 5, p. 5)

6.) The complaint No. 59332/12 – from V. Sorokin was declared unreasonably unacceptable by the judge C. Birsan. (Appendix No. 6, p. 6)

7.) The complaint received by ECtHR on 20.04.2012 – number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 7, p. 7)

8.) The complaint No. 23817/12 – from V. Sorokin, the head of Regional Public Fund "We are against Corruption" was declared unreasonably unacceptable by the judge C. Birsan. (Appendix No. 8, p 8)

9.) The complaint received by the ECtHR on 03.05.2012 – number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 9, p. 9)

10.) The complaint No. 20358/12 – made from CC “Optimum” llc was declared unreasonably unacceptable by the judge K. Hajiev. (Appendix No. 10, p. 10)

11.) The complaint received by ECtHR on 12.03.2013 – number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 11, p. 11)

II. Episodes of ill-treatment and criminal actions in reprisal for the anti-corruption activity. Termination of the right to conduct public meetings. Attraction to administrative responsibility for the organization of peaceful public meetings:


12.) The complaint received by ECtHR on 12.03.2013 – number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 11, p. 11)

13.) The complaint received by ECtHR on 25.03.2013 – number was not assigned. (Appendix No. 12, p. 12)



1. The receipt copy dated 12.04.2011.

2. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 20.07.11.

3. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 21.12.11.

4. The copy of the letter of ECtHR dated 28.02.13. (Complaint No. 2319/12)

5. The copy of the letter of ECtHR dated 06.12.12. (Complaint No. 58290/12)

6. The copy of the letter of ECtHR dated 01.11.12. (Complaint No. 59332/12)

7. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 20.04.12.

8. The copy of the letter of ECtHR dated 12.07.12. (Complaint No. 23817/12)

9. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 03.05.12.

10. The copy of the letter of ECtHR dated 14.06.12. (Complaint No. 20358/12)

11. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 12.03.13.

12. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 12.03.13.

13. The notice copy with ECtHR mark dated 25.03.13.

I ask to consider this complaint in a priority order as the violation of human rights (and particularly Mr. Sorokin’s rights) are connected with his anti-corruption and human rights protection activity, and matters for unlimited number of people (the decision of the International Court of Justice on the matters will have a huge value for protection of democracy in Russia).


Applicant: Victor Sorokin


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Комиссару Совета Безопасности Европы

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