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Moscow, the heart of Russia


1. Moscow is considered to have been founded in 1147 because:

a) according to the chronicles Yuri Dolgoruky ordered a fortress to be built on the banks of the Moskva River

b) Russian folklore gives this date

c) it is first mentioned in the 1147 chronicles as Yury Dolgoruky’s estate


2. Moscow first became the capital of the Russian state:

a) at the end of the 15th century under the Great Prince Ivan III

b) in the second half of the 13th century under Prince Danyil, Alexander Nevsky’s son

c) in 1712 under Peter the Great


3. The 16th century Moscow as compared to London was:

a) smaller

b) larger

c) approximately the same in size


4. Who said, “If I take Kiev, I’ll take Russia by the legs, if I siege Petersburg, I’ll take Russia by the head, if I enter Moscow, I’ll pierce the heart of Russia”?

a) Hitler

b) Sigismund, the Polish King

c) Napoleon


5. Match the facts and the dates:

(1) street lamps appeared in Moscow in …

(2) the railway between Moscow and Petersburg started its operation in …

(3) the first Russian urban water - pipe, through which the water from Mytischy got to five fountains situated within the Garden Ring, from which it was then taken by the Muscovites was built in …


a) 1804

b) 1730

c) 1851


6. The nickname given by English - speaking foreigners to the Moscow skyscrapers built in the late 1940s & early 1950s (Moscow State University, the Ukraina Hotel, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, etc.) is:

a) “wedding cakes”

b) “towers”

c) “caravans”


7. When did Moscow University first apply to the authorities to build new University buildings including an observatory and botanical gardens on the Vorobyovy Gory?

a) 1860

b) 1948

c) 1770


8. Which of these is the tallest?

a) the Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow

b) the Eiffel Tower in Paris

c) the Empire State Building in New York.


9. In what city was a subway / underground / metro

(1) first constructed,

(2) which is the quickest,

(3) the largest?

a) London

b) New York

c) Moscow


10. What is

(1) the shortest and

(2) the longest street in Moscow?

(1) a) Lenivka (near Kropotkinskaya metro station)

b) Soyansky tupik (near Kitai-gorod metro station)

c) Moskvina street (near Checkovskaya metro station)

(2) a) Profsoyuznaya street

b) Leninski Avenue

c) Kutuzovski Avenue



Grammar: 1. The Infinitive, its forms and functions 2. The Objective Infinitive Construction 3. The Subjective Infinitive Construction Texts: A. What is a Star? B. Space Exploration C. The Last Man to Discover a Planet Conversation: Russia


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