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Receiving VIsitors


I. Write down some words and expressions from the film.


1. Slide – a framed still for a projector.

2. Monitor – display, screen of a technical device.

3. To collect someone – to come to a particular place in order to take someone or something away.

4. To spare the time – to set aside some time for a special purpose.

5. To look forward to something (doing something) – to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen (about doing something).

6. Worth-while – something worth-while deserves the time, effort or money you give to it.

7. Display unit design – project of a demonstration or exposition sample.

8. Rough designs – projects that are still not finished and require further work.

9. To make an impact – to make a great impression.

10. Exciting – very attractive, causing plenty of emotions.

11. Full time work – job on a constant basis.

12. To take on casual staff – to employ workers on a temporary basis.

13. Efficient – effective, providing a good return.

14. Senior managers – top executives of a company.

15. Brief-case – a case used for carrying papers or documents.

16. To get straight down to business – to start negotiating business without preliminary formalities.

17. Make yourself at home – feel as if you were at home.

18. Chip – a small piece of silicon that has a set of complicated electrical connections on it and is used to store and process information in computers.

19. To be fixed for something – to feel like doing something.

20. To confirm – to say that something is definitely true.

21. To cancel – to arrange that a planned activity or event will not happen now.

22. To join somebody – to do something along with somebody.


II. Translate the new vocabulary into Russian.


III. Watch the film for the 1st time.


IV. Translate the following English phrases and speech exponents avoiding word-per-word translation.


1. Thank you for collecting me. – Спасибо, что встретили меня.

2. It’s a pleasure. Don’t mention it. – Мне было не трудно. Не стоит благодарности.

3. Thank you for sparing the time. – Спасибо, что уделили нам время.

4. You have a busy itinerary. – У вас очень напряженный график.

5. We’ll do our best to make your visit worth-while. – Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы ваш визит оказался полезным.

6. We are very efficient. – Мы работаем очень эффективно.

7. How many people do you employ? – Сколько у вас сотрудников?

8. So, shall we have a look around? – Итак, ознакомимся с компанией?

9. I look forward to that. – C нетерпением этого жду.

10. Not really. – Вообще-то нет.

11. Follow me. – Пройдите за мной.

12. I’m sorry to interrupt your work. – Извините, что помешал.

13. Make yourself at home. – Чувствуйте себя, как дома.

14. How are you fixed for lunch? – Как вы смотрите на то, чтобы пообедать?

15. I have another engagement. – Меня уже пригласили в другое место.

16. Whatever you recommend. – Все, что вы порекомендуете.

17. He made me smile. – Он меня рассмешил.


V. Watch the film for the 2nd time. Take notes of speech exponents you find useful for dealing with the topic.


VI. Answer some questions to the film.


1. What was Kate bothering about at the beginning of the film?

2. Why did she worry about the oncoming presentation ever so much?

3. What did Mr. Sakai thank Mr. Harris for?

4. How did Mr. Harris respond to the gratitude? You might just quote his words.

5. What did Clive Harris start his small talk with?

6. Did Mr. Sakai hate his coming to Britain?

7. What was he looking forward to?

8. Did the MD expect Mr. Sakai’s visit to be vain or fruitful? What substitute did he use for “fruitful”?

9. Have you got the impression of mutual interest from their chat?

10. What was the talk between Don Bradley and Edward Green devoted to?

11. What business was Phil Watson engaged in?

12. Was the Sales and Marketing Director satisfied with the colours of the display unit?

13. What alterations was it necessary to make in his point of view?

14. What was wrong with the dimensions of pictures of Big Boss?

15. Does Bibury Systems seem to you a big company?

16. How many people did they employ full-time?

17. They occasionally applied to the employment of casual staff, didn’t they?

18. How do you think, what situations could it happen in?

19. In your opinion, does a company have to be big to be efficient? Will you please give your reasons?

20. What department was Mr. Sakai shown first? Whom was he introduced to there first?

21. Why did Mr. Sakai give his card to Kate?

22. Whom was he presented to after that?

23. Why did Mr. Sakai suppose Don was an American?

24. What discrepancy occurred during the talk between Don and Mr. Sakai?

25. Who conceded in that case?

26. Do you always concede to your interlocutor in this kind of situation?

27. Was Mr. Sakai supposed to meet the company’s executives later on?

28. Did Edward have to wait for Phil Watson?

29. Did Phil apologize for his delay?

30. What did Mr. Sakai apologize for after he was introduced to Derek Jones?

31. Was Derek annoyed really? How did he behave? Did he sound quite amiable?

32. What information was Mr. Sakai given regarding the development workshop?

33. What was Clive’s opinion concerning Big Boss’ prospects?

34. What impact did Big Boss’ performance make on the Japanese?

35. What amazed him most of all?

36. What emotions could you experience if an English toy began speaking Russian to you?

37. How do you think, could Bibury Systems select Belarus as their target market?

38. Why did Mr. Sakai decline the lunch invitation made by Big Boss?

39. Did Big Boss appear to be disappointed?

40. Phil Watson and Edward Green were discussing Big Boss’ linguistic abilities, weren’t they? So what were they talking about?

41. The colours were to be softer, weren’t they? So what kind of colours was to be used?

42. Edward and Phil doubted some 2 colours would match together. What colours do not match at all, according to your sense of beauty?

43. Do you remember the 2 colours of Freddy Cruger’s sweater from “The Nightmare on Elm Street”? (red and green) They looked very ugly, didn’t they?

44. What restaurant did Clive Harris choose for lunch with Mr. Sakai: Japanese, French or Italian one?

45. Can Mr. Sakai be called an epicure (a person who is keen on delicious and exquisite food)? Why do you think so?

46. What request did the Managing Director address the secretary with?

47. Where did Mr. Harris invite his Japanese partner that evening?

48. Did Mr. Sakai accept the invitation? Why?


VII. Compose a dialogue on the topic “Receiving visitors”. Note A is for a person who is receiving a guest. Note B is for a guest.


A. Your major objective is to arrange a small talk with a person you have not met before. It can also be a person you know. No matter whether you receive a visitor at the airport or in the office. It is your ability to maintain a social conversation that matters. You should always have some ideas and conversational formulas handy for such an occasion, and this work will help you get ready for that. The only recommendation is to avoid topics that can be perceived as too personal by your guest.

B. You ought to be prepared for maintaining a conversation as a guest. The main difference from role A is that you show less initiative during a talk but have more reasons for thanking a person who is receiving you.



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