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Kilclief Castle was the earliest tower-house in Lecale, built between 1413 and 1441. It was garrisoned for the Crown by Nicholas FitzSymon and ten warders in 1601-2

Clough Castle

Clough Castle is the site of an Anglo-Norman Motte-and-bailey situated in Clough, County Down, Northern Ireland, near the junction of the A25 and A24 roads. Clough Castle Motte and bailey and tower are State Care Historic Monuments in the townland of Clough, in Down District Council area.


It is an excellent example of an Anglo-Norman earthwork castle with an added stone tower. A small kidney-shaped bailey lies south of a large mound, originally separated from it by a 2.1m deep ditch.[1] On top of the 25ft high motte is a stone tower, enlarged to become a tower house in the 15th century. It is sited off-centre as much of the rest of the top of the motte was occupied by a large hall, which apparently burned down. Around the motte is a ditch, and on the south-east side a low crescent shaped bailey, which was probably once joined to the motte by a wooden bridge.

Hillsborough Castle

Hillsborough Castle is an official government residence in Northern Ireland. It is the residence of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and the official residence in Northern Ireland of HM Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the British Royal Family when they visit the region, as well as a guest house for prominent international visitors. From 1922 until 1972 it was the residence of Governor of Northern Ireland.[2] The post of the Governor, who was the representative in Northern Ireland of the sovereign, was abolished in 1973.

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