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accountant noun [ countable ] a professional person whose job is to keep and check the financial records of an organization, or to advise clients on tax and other financial matters;


accumulate verb 1[ transitive ] to get, earn, or obtain something gradually over a period of time;

2[ intransitive ] to increase or develop gradually over a period of time;

accumulated adjective [ only before a noun ];


advertising noun [ uncountable ] telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it;


agreement noun [ countable ] 1an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people or organizations;

2 an official document that people sign to show that they have agreed to something;


aggregate noun [ countable ] 1the total after a lot of different parts or figures have been added together;

2 one of the measurements used when calculating the amount of money in an economy at a particular time;


aggregate adjective [ only before a noun ] total and combined;


allocate verb [ transitive ] to decide officially that a particular amount of money, time etc should be used for a particular purpose;


allocation noun [ countable, uncountable ] the amount or share of something allocated to a person or organization, or the act of deciding how much of something each person or organization should get;

resource allocation [ countable, uncountable ] the way that the resources of a company, country etc are used for different purposes, and how this is decided;


amount noun [ countable, uncountable ] a quantity of something;


authority noun plural authorities 1[ countable ] an official organization which controls a particular activity and checks that the rules and laws relating to it are being obeyed;

local authority [ countable ] a government organization in Britain that is responsible for providing public services such as schools, the collection of rubbish etc in a particular area;

2 the authorities [ plural ] the organizations that are in charge of a particular country or area or a particular activity;

3[ uncountable ] the power that a person or organization has because of their official or legal position;


barter verb [ intransitive, transitive ] to exchange goods for other goods or to do work for someone in exchange for work they do for you, rather than using money;

barter noun [ uncountable ] a system of exchanging goods or work for other goods or work, rather than using money;

behaviour BrE, behavior AmE noun [ uncountable ] also behaviours the way that someone or something acts in different situations;

consumer behaviour BrE, consumer behavior AmE [ uncountable ] the study of where and how people buy things, why they choose one thing and not another etc;

benefit 1 noun [ countable ] a good effect or advantage that something has, for example a product or service;

2[ countable, uncountable ] BrE money provided by the government to people who are old and no longer work, or to people who are unemployed, ill, or on a low income etc; = AmE welfare;

3[ countable ] money paid out on certain insurance policies, especially health insurance;

4[ countable ] something, especially money, that an employer gives to workers in addition to their normal pay, to encourage them to work harder or be satisfied where they work;

bond noun [ countable ] 1an amount of money borrowed by a government or an organization. The government or organization produces a document promising that it will pay back the money that it has borrowed, usually with interest. The document, which can be bought and sold, is also called a bond;

government bond a bond issued by a government;

Treasury bond also T-bond a bond issued by the US federal government;


breakdown noun 1[ countable ] a statement showing information or a total amount separated into parts so that it is easier to understand;

2[ countable, uncountable ] when something fails or stops working properly, especially because people cannot agree;


capital noun [ uncountable ] 1 money or property used to produce wealth;

human capital people and their skills considered as a factor of production(=one of the things an economy or organization must have to create wealth);

2money from shareholders and lenders that can be invested by a business in assets in order to produce profit;


cheque BrE, check AmE noun [ countable ] 1a printed form that you use to pay for something instead of using money. You write on it the amount in words and numbers, the date, the person being paid, and sign your name;


circulation noun 1[ uncountable ] the exchange of money within an economy;

2[ uncountable ] if money is in circulation, it is being used by people in an economy. If money is out of circulation, it is not being used;

3[ countable, usually singular ] the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold each day, week, or month;


collusion noun [ uncountable ] when people or businesses share information or secretly make arrangements among themselves to get an unfair advantage;


combine v erb [ intransitive, transitive ] join together;


commodity noun plural commodities [ countable ] a product that can be sold to make a profit, especially one in its basic form before it has been used or changed in an industrial process. Examples of commodities are farm products and metals.


company noun plural companies [ countable ] an organization that makes or sells goods or services in order to make profit;

constituent company a company that is one of a group of organizations that have been joined together;


compete verb [ intransitive ] when one company or country competes with another, it tries to get people to buy its goods or services rather than those available from another company or country;


competition noun [ uncountable ] 1a situation in which businesses are trying to be more successful than others by selling more goods and services and making more profit;

2 the competition all the businesses that compete with a particular business, seen as a group;


consume verb 1[ intransitive, transitive ] to buy and use goods, services, energy, or natural materials;

2[ transitive ] to use money or time that could be used for something else;


consumer noun [ countable ] 1 a person who buys goods, products, and services for their own use, not for business use or to resell;

ultimate consumer also end consumer the person who buys and uses a product after it has passed through all the stages of production; = end-user; ultimate customer;

2 a person, organization, industry, or country that uses products, services, energy, or natural materials;


consumption noun [ uncountable ] 1 the amount of goods, services, energy, or natural materials used in a particular period of time;

2 the act of buying and using products, services etc;

conspicuous consumption when consumers buy expensive goods to impress people and show how rich they are;

3 the amount spent on goods by consumers in a particular period of time;

domestic consumption also home consumption or internal consumption goods and services consumed in the country where they are produced;


cost noun 1[ countable, uncountable ] the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something;

opportunity cost [ uncountable ] the real cost of doing something, including the cost of things that you cannot do because of the choice you have made;


currency written abbreviation cur noun plural currencies [ countable, uncountable ] the system or type of money used in a particular country;

domestic currency also local currency [ countable, uncountable ] the currency of the home country of a particular user;

floating currency [ countable, uncountable ] a currency whose value is allowed to change in relation to other currencies;

foreign currency [ countable, uncountable ] a currency or currencies not belonging to your own country;

hard currency [ countable, uncountable ] a currency that keeps its value or whose value increases in relation to other currencies, and is used for international payments;

soft currency also weak currency [ countable, uncountable ] a currency that regularly loses value in relation to others;


curve noun [ countable ] a diagram showing how a price or an amount changes in relation to another price, amount etc;

demand curve how much of a product or service will be bought at different prices;

debt noun 1[ countable ] money that one person, organization, country etc owes to another;

2[ uncountable ] the state of owing money;

3[ uncountable ] capital borrowed by a business or government organization on which it pays interest;

long-term debt [ uncountable ] debt that is to be repaid a long time after the money is borrowed;

national debt [ uncountable ] money borrowed and still owed by a country;

short-term debt [ uncountable ] debt that is to be repaid a short time after the money is borrowed, usually within one year;


decline verb [ intransitive ] if an industry or country declines, it becomes less profitable, productive, wealthy etc;

2if sales, profits, production etc decline, they become less;


decline noun [ countable, uncountable ] 1when sales, profits, production etc become less;;

2when an industry or country becomes less profitable, productive, wealthy etc;

decrease verb [ intransitive, transitive ] to go down to a lower level, or to make something do this;

decreasing adjective [ only before a noun ];


decrease noun [ countable, uncountable ] the process of reducing something, or the amount by which it reduces;

defer verb deferred, deferring [ transitive ] to delay something until a later time or date;

deflate verb [ intransitive, transitive ] 1if a government deflates the economy, it reduces the demand for goods and services by raising interest rates and taxes, limiting wage increases, reducing government spending, or a combination of these;

2if the price of something deflates, it goes down;

— compare reflate;


deflation noun [ uncountable ] when a government reduces demand for goods and services by raising interest rates and taxes, limiting wage increases, or reducing government spending, or a combination of these;

deflationary adjective;

— compare disinflation, inflation;

demand noun [ uncountable ] 1the amount of spending on goods and services by companies and people in a particular economy;

2the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or companies buy in a particular period of time;

3 law of demand the idea that the more something costs, the less demand for it there is;

aggregate demand the total demand for goods and services in an economy;

consumer demand demand for goods and services from people rather than businesses;


deposit noun 1[ countable ] an amount of money paid into a bank account or held in a bank account, especially when it is earning interest;

fixed deposit [ countable ] an amount of money held in a bank account and earning a particular rate of interest for a fixed period of time;

2 deposits [ plural ] the total amount of money held in bank accounts etc within an economy;

bank deposits [ plural ] the total amount of money that customers have paid into a particular bank or into all banks in a particular area or economy;

3[ countable ] also deposit account a bank account in which money can be held and will earn interest;

call deposit [ countable ] a type of bank account from which you can take out money immediately without paying a charge and without informing the bank in advance;

demand deposit [ countable ] another name for a call deposit;

sight deposit [ countable ] another name for a call deposit;

term deposit also time deposit [ countable ] a bank account in which you must leave your money for a minimum period of time and from which you can only take out money after informing the bank in advance;


deposit verb [ transitive ] to leave money or other valuable things at a bank;


determine verb [ transitive ] 1to find out the facts about something;

2to make an official decision about something;

3 to decide the exact meaning of the conditions of a contract, for example when there are disagreements about it;

determination noun [ uncountable ];


disinflation noun [ uncountable ] when a government reduces the rate of inflation without also reducing the general level of economic activity or increasing unemployment. This may be done by raising interest rates, controlling the amount of credit available to people, and limiting the availability of goods which are in short supply. Disinflation is a gentle form of deflation;

disinflationary adjective;


disposal noun 1 [ uncountable ] when someone gets rid of something they no longer need or want;

2[ countable ] an asset that is sold, and the act of selling it;


dispose verb dispose of something phrasal verb [ transitive ] 1to get rid of something that is no longer needed or wanted;

2 to sell an asset;


distribute verb [ transitive ] 1to make goods available to customers after they have been produced;

2to divide up a company's profits for a particular period of time and give them to shareholders in the form of dividendsor new shares;


domestic adjective [ only before a noun ] 1relating to the home or the family;

2relating to the country you live in, rather than abroad;


economic growth an increase in the value of goods and services produced in a country or area;


economics noun 1[ uncountable ] the study of the way in which wealth is produced and used;


economize also economise BrE verb [ intransitive ] to reduce the amount of time, money, goods etc that you use;


economy noun plural economies 1[ countable ] the system by which a country's goods and services are produced and used, or a country considered in this way;

command economy also controlled economy [ countable ] an economy in which the government of a country owns most of the industry and makes all economic decisions;

— compare market economy;

free economy also free market economy [ countable ] another name for market economy also free economy, free market economy [ countable ] an economy in which companies are not controlled by the government but decide for themselves what to produce and sell, based on what they believe they can make a profit from;

mixed economy [ countable ]an economy in which some industries are owned by the government and some are owned by private companies;

planned economy [ countable ] another name for command economy;

political economy 1[ uncountable ] the study of the way countries organize the production and the use of wealth;

2[ countable, uncountable ] the way an economy is organized in a particular country;


employ verb [ transitive ] to pay someone to work for you;


employment noun [ uncountable ] 1work that you do to earn money;

2the number of people in an area or a country who have jobs, the types of jobs they have etc;

full employment when almost everyone in an area or country who wants a job has one;


enterprise noun [ countable ] a company or business;


entrepreneur noun [ countable ] someone who starts a company, arranges business deals, and takes risks in order to make a profit;

entrepreneurial adjective;

entrepreneurship noun [ uncountable ];


exchange noun 1[ countable ] a market where goods, services, or shares are bought and sold, in return for money;

2[ uncountable ] also foreign exchange the activity of buying and selling currencies; = FOREX;

3 [ uncountable ] money in the currency of a foreign country, for example money obtained through exports;


exchange verb [ transitive ] 1to give someone something and receive something in return;

2if a shop or company exchanges something you have bought, they take it back and give you a new one, for example because the thing you first bought has a fault;

3if you exchange money, you get money in one currency for money in another;


expenditure noun [ countable, uncountable ] the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time;

extract verb [ transitive ] to remove raw materials, such as gold or oil, from a place, for example the sea or the ground, so that they can be sold or used in an industrial or manufacturing process;


fiscal adjective [ only before a noun ] connected with government taxes, debts, and spending;


force noun 1[ countable ] a group of people who have been trained and organized for a particular purpose;

labour force BrE, labor force AmE [ countable ] all the people who work for a company or in a country;

2 market forces [ plural ] the way that the behaviour of buyers and sellers affects the levels of supply and demandin a particular market, especially when the government does nothing to change this;


goods noun [ plural ] things that are produced in order to be used or sold;

capital goods goods such as machinery, equipment etc, used by businesses to produce other goods; = INDUSTRIAL GOODS;

consumer goods goods bought by people for their own use, rather than by businesses and organizations;

consumption goods another name for consumer goods;

finished goods goods that have been made completely and are ready to be sold;

luxury goods expensive goods bought for comfort and pleasure, not as a basic need;


gross domestic product abbreviation GDP noun [ singular, uncountable ] the total value of goods and services produced in a country's economy, not including income from abroad;

per capita gross domestic product the gross domestic product of a country divided by the number of people living there;


gross national product abbreviation GNP noun [ singular, uncountable ] the total value of goods and services produced in a country's economy, including income from abroad;

per capita gross national product the gross national product of a country divided by the number of people living there;


growth noun [ uncountable ] an increase in size, amount, or degree;


increase verb 1[ intransitive ] to become larger in amount, number, or degree;

2[ transitive ] to make something larger in amount, number, or degree;

increasing adjective [ only before a noun ];


increase 2 noun [ countable, uncountable ] a rise in amount, number, or degree;


inflate verb [ intransitive, transitive ] if the cost or level of something inflates or is inflated, it increases, often above what is reasonable or normal;


inflation noun [ uncountable ] a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services, or the rate at which prices increase;


health care noun [ uncountable ] the activity of looking after people's health, considered as an industry;


hire verb [ transitive ] 1to employ a person or an organization for a short time to do a particular job for you;

2to agree to give someone a permanent job;


household 1 adjective connected with looking after a house and the people in it;

household 2 noun [ countable ] all the people who live together in one house;


income noun 1[ countable, uncountable ] money that you earn from your job or that you receive from investments;

national income [ countable, uncountable ] the value of all the goods and services sold in a country in a particular period of time, usually a year;

per-capita income [ countable, uncountable ] the income of a country, its GDPdivided by the number of people living there. This shows how rich or poor the people are on average;


inflation noun [ uncountable ] a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services, or the rate at which prices increase;


input noun also factor input [ countable usually plural, uncountable ] something or someone that is involved or used in a business;


insurance noun 1[ countable, uncountable ] an arrangement in which a company collects premiums(= regular payments) from a person or organization and in return agrees to pay them a sum of money if they are involved in an accident, have something stolen, or cause harm or injury to others;


intangible adjective used to describe something that has value but does not exist physically;


interest noun 1[ uncountable ] an amount paid by a borrower to a lender, for example to a bank by someone borrowing money for a loan or by a bank to a depositor(= someone keeping money in an account there);


interest rate noun [ countable ] the percentage rate used for calculating interest over a particular period of time, usually one year;

industry noun plural industries 1[ uncountable ] the production of raw materials(=basic materials used in manufacturing) and of goods;

2[ uncountable ] the people and organizations that work in industry;

3 [ countable ] business that produce a particular type of thing or provide a particular service;

capital-intensive industry [ countable ] an industry which needs a lot of money for equipment, machinery etc;

labour-intensive industry BrE, labor-intensive industry AmE [ countable ]

an industry needing a lot of people to operate, usually manual workers;


invest verb [ intransitive, transitive ] 1to buy shares, bonds, property etc in order to make a profit;

2to save money in a high interest bank account or to buy an insurance policy that pays bonuses;

3to spend money on things that will make a business more successful and profitable;


labor noun [ uncountable ] 1work involving a lot of physical or mental effort;

2all the people who work for a company or in a country;


machinery noun [ uncountable ] equipment that uses power such as electricity or petrol;

heavy machinery very large machines used in manufacturing, the building industry etc;

office machinery equipment such as telephones, computers etc that are used in offices;


marketing noun [ uncountable ] activities to design and sell a product or service by considering buyers' wants or needs, for example where and how they will buy it, how much they will be willing to pay etc;


money noun [ uncountable ] coins banknotesand bank deposits(=money held in banks) used to buy things and to show their value;

broad money 1cash and all the forms of money that cannot easily be turned into cash;

2 a measure of how much money is available;

narrow money cash and the forms of money that can most easily be turned into cash;


money supply also money stock noun [ singular ] 1the amount of money in an economy at a particular time, and the speed with which it is used;

2 M0/​M1/​M2 etc different measures of a country's money supply depending on the types of money they include, such as cash, bank deposits(=money held by banks), commercial paper(=borrowing for short periods of time by organizations) etc;


monopoly noun plural monopolies [ countable, uncountable ] a situation where a business activity is controlled by only one company or by the government, and other companies do not compete with it;


nationalize also nationalise BrE verb [ transitive ] if a government nationalizes a company or industry, it brings it under state control;

— compare PRIVATIZE;

nationalized adjective;


occupation noun [ countable ] a job or profession, used especially on official forms or for writing about the jobs people do;


output noun 1 [ countable, uncountable ] the amount of goods or services produced by a person, machine, factory, company etc; = outturn;

2 [ uncountable ] the total amount of goods and services produced in the economy or a part of the economy during a particular period of time;


own verb [ transitive ] to have or possess something that is legally yours;

personnel noun 1 [ plural ] the people who work for a company or organization;

2 [ uncountable ] the department in an organization that deals with employing, training, and helping employees; = human resources;


power noun 1[ uncountable ] the ability or right to control people, organizations, events etc;

buying power 1[ uncountable ] the ability of a person or organization to buy things, depending on the amount of money they have available; = PURCHASING POWER, SPENDING POWER;

2[ uncountable ] the amount that a unit of a particular currency buys at a particular time; = PURCHASING POWER;

purchasing power 1[ uncountable ] the ability of a person or organization to buy things, depending on the amount of money they have available; = BUYING POWER, SPENDINGPOWER;

2[ uncountable ] the amount that a unit of a particular currency buys at a particular time; = BUYING POWER;

spending power [ uncountable ] another name for PURCHASING POWER;


price noun 1[ countable, uncountable ] the amount of money for which something is bought, sold, or offered;

consumer price [ countable ] the price paid by the public for goods and services, rather than by businesses;

fixed price 1[ countable ] a price that is definite and that cannot be reduced or increased; = GUARANTEED PRICE;

2[ countable ] an official price for a product or service, set by a government. When the amount has been set, it is illegal to sell the item above this price; = GUARANTEED PRICE;

market price 1[ countable ] the price of something on a market at a particular time;

2[ countable ] used to talk about the real price or cost of something that a market decides, rather than one calculated or fixed, for example by a government;

3[ countable ] the price of something calculated in relation to what buyers are willing to pay at a particular time, rather than in some other way;

retail price [ countable ] the price of something in a shop, rather than to a WHOLESALER(= a seller that sells to shops etc rather than to the public); = street price AmE;

selling price [ countable ] the price at which something can be bought, or at which it has been sold;


price taker noun [ countable ] a company or person that has little influence on the price of something, and has to follow what other companies and people do;


privatize also privatise BrE verb [ transitive ] if the government privatizes a company or activity that it owns or operates, it sells the company etc to a business or to members of the public, who become its new shareholders;

— compare nationalize;

privatized also privatised BrE adjective;


product noun 1[ countable ] something useful and intended to be sold that comes from nature or is made in a factory;

2[ countable ] a service;

3[ uncountable ] products in general;

commercial product 1[ countable ] a product that can be sold, rather than one still being developed;

2[ countable ] another name for CONSUMER PRODUCT;

commodity product 1[ countable ] a product such as a metal, farm product, oil etc;

2[ countable ] a product that is hard to differentiate(=make seem different) from other products of the same kind;

consumer product [ countable ] a product for use by people rather than businesses;

household product [ countable ] a cleaning product used in people's homes etc;


productivity noun [ uncountable ] the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced in relation to the work, time, and money needed to produce them;


profit noun [ countable, uncountable ] money that you gain from selling something, or from doing business in a particular period of time, after taking away costs;

net profit the profit from a deal, or from business activity for a particular period of time, after all costs and taxes are taken away; = NET;


profitability noun [ uncountable ] the state of producing a profit, or the degree to which an activity, company etc is profitable;


propensity noun plural propensities [ countable ] 1a tendency to behave in a particular way;

2 marginal propensity to consume the relationship between a change in people's income and the change in the amount that they spend on goods;


provide verb [ transitive ] 1 to give someone what they need, or to make sure they get it;

2 to produce a useful result, opportunity etc;


purchase noun 1[ uncountable ] the act of buying something;

2 make a purchase to buy something;

3[ countable ] something that has been bought;


quantify verb past tense and past participle quantified [ transitive ] to measure something and express it as a number, especially something that is difficult to measure;


raw materials noun [ countable usually plural ] something you need to make or do something;

raw material a substance that is used to make a product;


recycle verb [ intransitive, transitive ] to put used objects or materials through a special process, so that they can be used again;

recyclable adjective;

recycled adjective;

recycling noun [ uncountable ];


reflate verb [ intransitive, transitive ] if a government reflates the economy, it increases government spending, reduces interest rates etc in order to increase demand and encourage economic activity;

— compare deflate;

reflation noun [ uncountable ];

reflationary adjective;


requirement noun 1[ countable ] something that an official organization says a company or person must have or do;

2[ countable ] something that someone needs or wants;

capital requirement 1 [ countable ] the capital needed by a company to operate, grow etc;

2[ countable ] the capital that a government says that a financial institution must have in relation to the amount that it lends, so that it can operate safely;

reserve requirement [ countable ] AmE an amount of money the government says that banks must possess, or leave with the central bank, calculated in relation to the amount of the loans that they make;


reserve verb [ transitive ] 1 to arrange for a place on a plane, in a hotel, in a restaurant etc to be kept for a customer who will arrive later; = book BrE;

2to keep or restrict something so that it can be used only by a particular person or for a particular purpose;

reserve noun [ countable ] a minimum price that a seller will accept, usually in an auction; = reserve price;

—see also reserves;

reserves noun [ plural ] 1a company's profits from previous periods of time that have not been paid to shareholders;

2 AmE amounts kept aside by a company in its accounts to be used if needed. The amount a company has in reserves has to be taken away when calculating profit for a particular period of time;

3also bank reserves money held by a bank and used to pay out money to customers when they ask for it. The amount that must be kept in this way is decided by government;

capital reserves money that a company, financial institution, or government has available for future spending;

currency reserves also foreign reserves, international reserves money in foreign currency held by a country and used to support its own currency and to pay for imports and foreign debts;

resource 1 noun [ countable usually plural ] 1 something such as money, property, skill, labour etc that a company has available;

2something such as oil, land, or natural energy that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth;

resource 2 verb [ transitive ] to provide money or other resources that are needed to do particular work;

resourcing noun [ uncountable ];

restriction noun [ countable ] an official rule that limits or controls what people can do or what is allowed to happen;


rival noun [ countable ] 1 a person, group, or organization that you compete with; 2 one of a number of products that people can choose between;


salary noun plural salaries [ countable, uncountable ] money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month;


scarce adjective if something is scarce, there is not enough of it available;

scarcity noun [ singular, uncountable ];


sector noun [ countable ] all the organizations or companies in a particular area of activity, industry etc;


service sector also tertiary sector [ singular ] the companies, organizations, and activities in an economy that provide services such as banking, transport, tourism etc, rather than manufacturing goods;


share noun 1 [ countable ] one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided;


society noun plural societies 1[ uncountable ] people in general, considered in relation to the structure of laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together;

2[ countable, uncountable ] a particular large group of people who share laws, organizations, customs etc;

consumer society [ countable usually singular ] a society in which buying goods and services is considered to be one of the most important parts of people's lives;


substitution noun [ countable, uncountable ] when you use or do something new or different instead of something else, or something new that is used or done like this;


supply noun plural supplies 1 [ countable ] an amount of something that is available to be sold, bought, used etc;


supply verb past tense and past participle supplied [ transitive ] 1to provide goods or services to customers, especially regularly and over a long period of time;

2 to give someone something they want or need;


tangible adjective 1 tangible results, proof, benefits etc can clearly be seen to exist or to have happened;

2 able to be touched and felt;


tax noun [ countable, uncountable ] an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc, that is used to pay for public services;

income tax that rises in stages according to a taxpayer's income;

value-added tax abbreviation VAT [ countable, uncountable ] a tax on some goods and services;


taxation noun [ uncountable ] 1the act or system of charging taxes;

2money collected from taxes;


tertiary adjective [ only before a noun ] tertiary industries or companies are involved in providing services, rather than the production of raw materials (=materials used in manufacturing) or manufacturing;


transaction noun [ countable ] 1 a payment, or the process of making one;

2 a business deal;


unemployment noun [ uncountable ] 1 when you do not have a job;

2 the number of people in a country who do not have a job;

utility noun plural utilities 1 [ countable usually plural ] a large company that provides services such as gas or electricity;

2 [ countable usually plural ] a service such as gas or electricity, provided for people to use;


vacation noun [ countable ] 1 AmE a period of time when people are on holiday or not working;

2a period of time when universities and certain law courts or other organizations are closed;


velocity noun [ uncountable ] the number of times a particular unit of money is spent over a period of time. A country's GDP is the total amount of money available and its velocity;


wage noun [ countable ] also wages money that someone earns according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that they work, especially money that is paid each week;


warehousing noun [ countable ] a large building used for storing goods in large quantities;


wealth noun [ uncountable ] 1a large amount of money or valuable possessions;

2 the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a particular period of time;


well off, well-off adjective having more money than other people, or enough money to live comfortably;

— opposite badly off;


withdraw verb past tense withdrew past participle withdrawn

1[ transitive ] to take money out of a bank account;

2[ transitive ] to remove something or take it back, often because of an official decision;

3[ transitive ] if a company withdraws a product or service, it stops making it available, either for a period of time or permanently;

4[ intransitive ] to no longer take part in something or to no longer belong to a particular organization;



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