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Практические задания

Упражнение 1. Выберите для каждой из предложенных тем наиболее удачное введение. Аргументируйте ваш выбор. Добавьте к выбранному варианту введения слово или словосочетание из таблицы, при необходимости – добавьте небольшое предложение и зачитайте полученный вариант.


1. Speak on the structure of the language degree course in the department of education of your college. Could you suggest any changes in it?

1) The language degree course in this university has some disadvantages, from my point of view, and I would like to have them eliminated. 2) The language degree course in this department of education consists of five years or ten terms at the end of which we take exams. 3) The structure of the language degree course in this university is built so that any student may get deep knowledge of languages and teaching methods.


2. You live in the centre of some metropolis. Are you happy?

1) I moved here five years ago and now the circle of my life is closely connected with the ever-beating heart of the metropolis. 2) Sometimes I feel unhappy because traffic jams and busy streets don’t give me the least opportunity to relax. 3) I can say without hesitation that I’m happy because my life is full of sense and every day gives me a new chance of self-development.


3. Healthy food. Diets. Why do so many people have digestive troubles and ulcer nowadays?

1) Healthy food has become a so-called treasure of this epoch when it’s almost impossible to avoid environmental problems and side-effects of chemical progress. 2) Junk food and irregular meals are the main reasons for most digestive troubles and ulcer. 3) People have forgotten the meaning of healthy food stuff because of the high speed of modern life when semi-processed goods and quickly prepared dishes are more convenient.


4. Your parents have decided to involve your younger sister (she is 5) in professional sport and ask your point of view.

1) When my sister becomes a professional athlete, she won’t have an opportunity to start her family and have children as trainings and competitions will take all her time. 2) I have thought over my parents’ decision many times and finally I see clearly that my answer is “no”. 3) My parents are tempted by the idea of fame and money that my sister is going to have as a professional athlete though they are unaware of all the problems she is to face.


Упражнение 2. Составьте вывод (2-3 предложения) к следующим темам, используя полезные слова и словосочетания из таблицы, а также активную лексику семестров.


Темы третьего семестра:

  1. I’d rather take my holidays with my parents than with my friends.
  2. Girls / boys should not get married before they are 21. Do you share this opinion? Give your reasons.
  3. Imagine you are a student of London University and you take a friend of yours on a tour of London. Prepare a list of places and buildings you recommend your friend to see and give your reasons trying to get him / her interested in these places.


Темы четвёртого семестра:

  1. What do you usually do when you fall ill? How often do you consult doctors? Have you ever been operated on?
  2. Longevity. What is the average life span in our country? What do we need to live long? Would you like to live long? Why?
  3. A sport fan (your relative, friend or groupmate) has told you about his / her previous week-end.


Упражнение 3. Просмотрите вопросы, какие предлагается обсудить в каждой из предложенных тем. Какие из этих вопросов вы считаете лишними и несоответствующими теме? Аргументируйте ваш ответ.


1. Compare admission procedures to college in this country and abroad.

1) Advantages and disadvantages of the admission procedures. 2) Differences and similarities of the admission procedures. 3) The necessity of higher education. 4) The admission procedure in Great Britain.


2. Family and career. Why is it so difficult to combine them? Which of them would you choose, and why?

1) Early marriages. 2) Modern families. 3) My future profession. 4) Which would you like: to live separately or with your in-laws?


3. Compare British and Slavic cuisines. Cuisines of what other countries do you like?

1) My favourite recipe. 2) Differences and similarities of British and Slavic cuisines. 3) Why are there so many cuisines in the world? 4) Bread-and-butter pudding.


4. What do you usually do when you fall ill? How often do you consult doctors? Have you ever been operated on?

1) My visit to the dentist. 2) Medical services in this country. 3) Symptoms of scarlet fever, pneumonia and influenza. 4) The contents of my domestic medical chest.


Упражнение 4. Расставьте пункты плана к каждой теме в логичном порядке. Аргументируйте ваш выбор.


1. I’d rather take my holidays with my parents than with my friends:

1) the disadvantages of having holidays in the company of my friends;

2) generation gap;

3) my advice how to communicate with your parents;

4) the advantages of having holidays with my parents.


2. Do you find your student life enjoyable and fulfilling? Would you like to have any changes in it?

1) The expectations of my future student life here;

2) my ideas of changes;

3) my everyday life in university;

4) the comparison and difference between my school past and university present.


3. Adopted children. Why do people adopt children? What advantages and disadvantages of adoption do you know?

1) The reasons for adoption;

2) the disadvantages of adoption;

3) would I agree to adopt a child?

4) the advantages of adoption;

5) the definition of adoption and its requirements according to the current legislation.


4. Describe your everyday menu. How many meals a day do you have? Do you see any drawbacks in your nourishment?

1) The differences between my menus on weekdays and at the weekend;

2) my usual meals;

3) the differences between my menus in winter and in summer;

4) the drawbacks of my nourishment;

5) am I a gourmet?


5. Do famous athletes deserve the high salaries they sometimes get? What would justify a high salary for a famous athlete?

1) The examples of successful athletes making big money;

2) justifications for a high salary in sport;

3) why do famous athletes get a lot of money;

4) do I approve or disapprove of high salaries in sport?


Упражнение 5. Составьте список из 15 – 20 ключевых слов и словосочетаний для каждой из следующих тем. Используйте активную лексику учебников и дополнительный материал (методические разработки, статьи, словари, энциклопедии).


Темы третьего семестра:

1. Speak about the problems you had at the university when you were a first year student.

2. Adopted children. Why do people adopt children? What advantages and disadvantages of adoption do you know?

3. Define a good writer. Would you like to be a writer or a poet? Why? Tell about your favourite writer / poet. Speak on one of his literary works that is more to your liking. Which episode from it is your favourite?

4. Speak in favour of doing the sightseeing on your own.


Темы четвёртого семестра:

1. Health services in this country. Private and public services. The problems of epidemics.

2. Describe the way your favourite dishes are cooked. Do you like cooking? Which is more preferable for you: to have meals at home or out?

3. Your parents have decided to involve your younger sister (she is 5) in professional sport and ask your point of view.

4. Why is nervous breakdown as well as depression so widespread in many countries? Describe their symptoms. Do you know any ways of avoiding and getting rid of these troubles?


Упражнение 6. Определите, какие типы высказываний (information speech, situation speech, point-of-view speech) можно использовать для составления следующих тем. Помните, что одна тема может включать в себя несколько типов. Аргументируйте ваш ответ.


  1. Choosing a career. Was it difficult for you to decide what to choose?
  2. You live in the centre of some metropolis. Are you happy?
  3. Compare admission procedures to college in this country and abroad.
  4. Imagine you are a student of London University and you take a friend of yours on a tour of London. Prepare a list of places and buildings you recommend your friend to see and give your reasons trying to get him / her interested in these places.
  5. Describe your everyday menu. How many meals a day do you have? Do you see any drawbacks in your nourishment?
  6. Why is nervous breakdown as well as depression so widespread in many countries? Describe their symptoms. Do you know any ways of avoiding and getting rid of these troubles?
  7. Compare British and Slavic cuisines. Cuisines of what other countries do you like?
  8. Do famous athletes deserve the high salaries they sometimes get? What would justify a high salary for a famous athlete?


Упражнение 7. Прочтите следующее сочинение на тему “Compared to people in other jobs, sportspeople are paid too much for what they do” из “Cambridge English. Objective First. Student’s Book” [3, c. 58]. Сравните данное сочинение с темой четвёртого семестра “ Do famous athletes deserve the high salaries they sometimes get? What would justify a high salary for a famous athlete?” Переделайте сочинение в соответствии с требованиями к устному высказыванию второго курса (соответствие теме, объём, активный лексический и грамматический состав, вспомогательные слова и словосочетания и т.д.).


The topic of sportspeople’s earnings is one which often causes a great deal of discussion, especially in newspapers and on the television. Many people have strong feelings on the subject, and so do I.

First of all, I’d like to say that playing sport for a living is not essential to society. Nurses do an essential job but they earn very little compared to many sportspeople. Also, a football player, for example, will only be playing for a few hours a day while a nurse could work up to twelve hours a day.

On the other hand, it is important to say that a sportsperson’s career does not last very long and he or she will only earn a high salary for a limited period of time – possibly as little as ten years. It is also the case that injury can cut short a career. Therefore it is reasonable that they receive higher than normal salaries.

To sum up, I agree that sometimes sportspeople are paid too much. However, perhaps the problem is really that people in more important jobs are paid too little.


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