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Travelling. Answer the following questions:

Answer the following questions:

1. What can you say about our transport facilities nowadays?

2. What would you do to provide better services on the roads?

3. Where can you get your car serviced?

4. Do you have to pay for the service at once or can you remit the money afterwards?

It seems almost everyone likes to travel. Travelling is more appealing during the summer when the weather is very warm and travelling can be easy to get to. People travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car. All ways of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages and people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

The most convenient way to travel is by plane. It is the quickest and the most comfortable. Plane tickets are more expensive than the railroad tickets. Bin fact, travelling by plane takes us less time, which is rather important when we are short of time. Usually a big city has many airway terminals from which hundreds of planes land and take off and thousands of passengers get on and off planes at the airport every day. People usually make reservations for flights in advance, especially in high season.

Travelling by train is cheaper but slower. There are slow trains and fast trains. Slow trains are slower only because they stop at all stations. There are also overnight trains and if, for example,you get on the overnight train in the evening you arrive in the morning. Passengers can travel in a sleeper, a first-class car (carriage) or a second-class car (carriage). As a rule, a first-class ticket is 50% more expensive than a second-class ticket.

Another popular way of travelling is by car. Travelling by car is, of course, comfortable. A passenger doesn’t need to buy a ticket. One can travel for long distances without getting too tired and stop anyplace to see historical sights and beautiful landscapes. For this reason travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips. When they are travelling on business people usually take a train or a plane.

Some people prefer to travel by boat. Luxurious ships cross seas and oceans from one continent to another and a sea voyage can be really enjoyable.

In the city we can catch a bus, a trolleybus a tram, the Underground or a taxi. Traffic is usually heavy and public transport is crowded, especially in rush hour. You must be careful when you are crossing the road to avoid accidents.

Sometimes you have to change from one means of transport to another. You do it at a stop. If you go down to a Metro Station you insert your fare card or metro token into the gate with a green light on.

In the trolleybus, bus or tram there is a conductor, who says: ”Fares, please.” If there is a vacant seat, you take it. If all the seats are taken, you have to stand.


· one - неозначений займенник, який є підметом у реченні і в даному випадку не перекладається.

One must do it. - Треба зробити це.


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