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Professions and Professional Duties


Eastern Europe Research Center

The Eastern Europe Research Center is in Kyiv. The Center conducts research and publishes a journal on economic problems in Eastern Europe. The Director is an economist, the Deputy Director is a political scientist.

11 other employees work for the Center: a secretary, 3 typists, an accountant, a lawyer, 3 clerks and an editor. And of course, a charwoman.

The accountant works part-time. She is busy with all the financial issues of the Center. The 3 clerks in the Research Unit are in fact researchers. One of them is a senior researcher who manages the work of the Research Unit. They collect data on different economic issues and file or log them into the computer. Then they analyze the data and write articles for the journal.

The editor of the journal is the head of the Publishing Unit. He distributes assignments and supervises over the work of the 3 typists and prepares weekly reports for the Director. He is responsible for the issue of the journal that is published monthly, that is, the journal is a monthly edition.

The Director’s secretary sometimes helps the Deputy Director but does not work for the Research Unit – she is very busy. She answers telephone calls, arranges meetings, makes appointments and so on.

The lawyer is rather experienced in his profession. He prepares legal papers for state registration, makes reports on audits and contracts, defends the rights of the Center in court and Arbitration Committees*, if necessary, he consults the Director and accountant on legal issues, as well as all the other employees.

The Center is a NGO* (Non-Government Organization) and it maintains relations with other NGOs in Ukraine and abroad, as well as with government agencies. It is a small organization and there is no Personnel Department or a Personnel Manager.



Arbitration Committee   арбітраж
NGO   не урядова організація


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