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The Academy of Municipal Administration

The Academy of Municipal Administration is a state educational establishment. It is well-known in Kyiv and all over Ukraine. The Academy was founded* in 1995 and has got different diplomas andawards. The Academy has highly qualified teaching staff. There are many Doctors of Science, Candidates of Science working at the numerous departments* at the Academy. The scientists of the Academy cooperate with international educational and scientific organizations.

The structure of the Academy includes:

- Educational and Research Institute of Regional Development, Local Self-Administration and Management providing degrees in Management, Management of Organizations and Administration, Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Business Administration, Administrative Management, Public Service, Psychology, Sociology;

The Faculty of Economics and Law providing degrees in Law, Finance and Credit, Accounting and Audit, Economics of Enterprise.

- Administration of Municipal Service Faculty providing degrees in Automated Management of Technological Processes, Automatic Maсhinery and Automation in Transport Indusry, Automation and Automatization in Transport, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Documentation Science and Information Services;

- Pre-entry training Faculty.

Students can study full-time or part-time at all faculties, except Pre-entry training Faculty.

Post-graduate education is also available at the Academy.

The students have got not only lectures and workshops but also* internship at local authorities and state administration bodies, pedagogical and pre-graduate internships. The studies at the Academy combine the professional training of a manager, an economist, a lawyer and an engineer with all other necessary skills required for a civil official.

There is a library with up-to-date educational, scientific, professional and reference books, and a local network with access to the Internet. The studentshave a possibility to master one or a few foreign languages, modern PC technologies, national and world experience in market economy as well as municipal administration practices.

There is an Academy’s Art Centre where the students can sing, dance, play musical instruments and take part in different concerts, and sport clubs which provide facilities for physical training.

Students of the Academy are to be initiative, creative and well oriented in modern technologies, economics, management, law and order. Such qualities make the graduates of our Academy competitive among Ukrainian employees.



*was founded - була заснована

*numerous departments – багаточисельні кафедри

*not only… but also - не тільки... але також

* are to - повинні


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