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I семестр


My Family


My name is George. I'm a businessman.

Our family is large.

My father's name is Fred. He is an engineer. My mother's name is Jane. She is a doctor.

My parents are not old but they are not very young.

My grandfather and grandmother are rather old. They are on pension.

I have a brother and a sister.

My sister is a student. Her name is Ann. She is not married.

My brother is an interpreter. His name is John. He is married. His wife's name is Kate. She is an economist.

John and his wife have no children.


My friend’s family


I have a friend. His name is Vladimir. Vladimir is 35. He is married and has a daughter. They have got a large and comfortable flat in Moscow.

Vladimir is an economist. He works at the Ministry of Economics. His office is small but very nice. Vlad is not at the office now. He is in Rome. He is at an international conference.

Vlad's wife is 30. She is an office clerk. She is at work now. She is very busy.

Vlad's daughter is at school. Vlad's "parents are at home. They are pensioners.

I like my friend. He is always friendly and helpful.


Film Reviews



My favourite film is "Vassa". Its director is Gleb Panfilov. His productions are popular in our country. Panfilov is an experienced film-maker. His films are first class. Some of his films are "The Beginning", "Valentina" and "The Theme". They are well-known to our film-goers. "Vassa" is a screen-adaptation of a play by Gorky. Its interpretation is original. As for Churikova as Vassa, she is very good. Her acting is brilliant. "Vassa" is a wide-screen colour film. Its photographic effects are expressive. I like this film very much.


This is a Japanese film by Kurata. Kurata is a young director. This film is a thriller. Its story is trivial. Thrillers are very popular in the world today. This is an interesting social problem. "The Legend" is a wide-screen colour film. As for its photography, it is professional, but many special effects are elementary and primitive. Its horror-scenes are vulgar and shocking. In short "The Legend" is a typical commercial film. I don't like this film because it is banal and trivial.


At a film show


Not long ago Peter and I decided to go to the cinema. The show lasted two hours. On the way home we talked about the film. In general, we liked it. Some famous actors played in it. They performed their parts very well. Peter tried to remember the names of all the film-makers who produced the film, directed it, designed the sets and composed the music. As for me, I remembered only the names of the leading actors, because their performance impressed me. Peter enjoyed this film too. He agreed with me that the authors managed to produce an enjoyable picture.


A visit to the theatre


Last night I went to the theatre with my girl-friend. It was difficult to buy tickets because there was a long line at the box-office. But we were lucky. We got the tickets 15 minutes before the show began. We went in, left our coats in the cloak-room and entered the hall. The house was packed. We took our seats in the 16th row. During the interval, I went to the buffet and bought some chocolate for my companion. The play made a great impression on both of us. After the performance I saw my friend home. It was late when I came back home. I went to bed after midnight. This morning I woke up late and ran to the institute with­out breakfast.


A new theatre was born


In 1898 Stanislavsky and Nemirovitch-Danchenko de­cided to found a new theatre. They had no company of their own so they invited young inexperienced actors. Stanislavsky and Nemirovitch-Danchenko took the tragedy "Tzar Feodor Ioanovitch" by Alexey Tolstoy for the first performance. They preferred to stage this play because they wanted to show the historical truth on the stage. The directors wanted to convey the authentic atmosphere of old patriarchal Russia of the 16th century. They did not want any traditional set. So the artist Simov went to old Russian towns Jaroslavl and Rostov. There he made sketches of old cathedrals, costumes and furniture.

The rehearsals began in June 1898 and lasted till October. On the 14th of October 1898 the new Moscow theatre opened. The unknown but promising actor Ivan Moskvin performed the part of tzar Feodor, the young actress Olga Knipper played the role of tzar Feodor's wife Irina. Stanislavsky played the part of Shuisky. The set designer Simov designed the costumes and the sets.

The new theatre with its progressive ideas, its new style of acting and direction had an electrifying effect and the performance made a great impression on the Moscow public. The public liked the acting, the sets and the authentic atmosphere of the performance very much. Soon almost all the Moscow newspapers wrote excellent reviews of the performance, they wrote that a new unique theatre was born. The name of this thea­tre was the Moscow Art Theatre.


Выполнить контрольную работу № 1 в рабочей тетради. Для выполнения контрольной работы необходимо изучить следующий материал:


1) Множественное число существительных.

2) Притяжательный падеж существительных.

3) Present, Past, Future Simple: утвердительная, вопросительная и отрицательная формы.

4) Глагол to be в Present, Past, Future Simple.

5) Модальные глаголы: can, may must, should, need.

6) Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

7) Оборот there + to be.

8) Местоимения: личные, объектные и притяжательные.

9) Указательные местоимения: this- that, these- those.

10) Артикли: a (an), the, отсутствие артикля.

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