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Exercise 1. Text 1A. Find the answers in the right column and describe in short the University and its system of education


1. What makes the University of Cambridge different from most other English Universities? a. conduct research
2. Why are the supervisions more academically challenging than a standard lecture? b. the tutorial system - students are taught in small groups
3. What is a supervisor in charge of? c. once a week or more frequently
4. How often do students attend their supervisions? d. students raise issues, analyze and criticize the ideas in discussion
5. What issues are generally discussed at supervisions? e. the work completed and academic progress
6. What is a typical assignment set for students? f. to prepare work in advance
7. What is a student required to undertake for each supervision? g. a wide range of subjects: law, medicine, engineering etc.
8. What subjects are offered within one college? h. writing of an essay
9. The university professors do not undertake much undergraduate teaching. What kind of work do they do? i. assignments to be undertaken by the students



Exercise 2. Fill in the proportions:


to attend to make? to raise? to arrange

= = = = =

? note assignment? lectures?



? to conduct? to share?

= = = =

research? progress? degrees


Exercise 3. From the list of actions below, choose those performed by the students and by the tutors and those within the university responsibility. Inform the audience what a tutor is usually in charge of (in 5-7 sentences)


to make notes, to undertake assignments, to attend lectures, to raise issues, to attend supervisions, to write essays, to award degrees, to arrange lectures, to teach students in small groups, to criticize the work completed, to discuss academic progress, to allocate to a tutor, to offer courses, to enroll students, to suggest books


Student Tutor University


Exercise 4. Speak on the University of Cambridge according to the scheme:



Exercise 5 Express your point of view whether the tutorial system has a great value or not. Example:

I believe I don’t think To my mind   that the tutorial systemhas a great value.  

- isbeneficial for all students.

- is useful and helpful.

- it is wasting of time and money.

- it provides them with ideas how to realize the academic potential


- it allows the students to discuss, analyze and share the ideas

with the tutor.

- it permits the students to communicate in groups.


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