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Consolidated Balance Sheet

  At December 31
Millions of dollars, except per-share amounts    
Cash and cash equivalents $9,347 $7,362
Marketable securities    
Accounts and notes receivable (less allowance: 2008 — $246; 2007 — $165) 15,856 22,446
Crude oil and petroleum products 5,175 4,003
Materials, supplies and other 1,220 1,017
Total inventories 6,854 5,310
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 4,200 3,527
Total Current Assets 36,470 39,377
Long-term receivables, net 2,413 2,194
Investments and advances 20,920 20,477
Properties, plant and equipment, at cost 173,299 154,084
Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization 81,519 75,474
Properties, plant and equipment, net 91,780 78,610
Deferred charges and other assets 4,711 3,491
Goodwill 4,619 4,637
Assets held for sale   -
Total Assets $161,165 $148,786
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity    
Short-term debt $2,818 $1,162
Accounts payable 16,580 21,756
Accrued liabilities 8,077 5,275
Federal and other taxes on income 3,079 3,972
Other taxes payable 1,469 1,633
Total Current Liabilities 32,023 33,798
Long-term debt 5,742 5,664
Capital lease obligations    
Deferred credits and other noncurrent obligations 17,678 15,007
Noncurrent deferred income taxes 11,539 12,170
Reserves for employee benefit plans 6,725 4,449
Minority interests    
Total Liabilities 74,517 71,698
Preferred stock (authorized 100,000,000 shares, $1.00 par value; none issued) - -
Common stock (authorized 6,000,000,000 shares at December 31, 2008, and 4,000,000,000 at December 31, 2007; $0.75 par value; 2,442,676,580 shares issued at December 31, 2008 and 2007) 1,832 1,832
Capital in excess of par value 14,448 14,289
Retained earnings 101,102 82,329
Notes receivable — key employees - (1)
Total Stockholders' Equity 86,648 77,088
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $161,165 $148,786





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