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Should Business Be Socially Responsible?

In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions is increasing. Charity activities, investing money into social and spiritual spheres of life have become rather popular among businessmen. Most of them are widely discussed and highly spoken of by the media.

We are not to discuss what true motives these people have. Do they really tend to give a hand to those who are in need, or do they just advertise their business and personalities? The question would remain without an answer. Every case is particular. Charity is a good thing, but social responsibility of business lies not only in charity and other social campaigns. Social responsibility lies in daily routine work performed not only by the business owners but employees of all ranks.

Each of us is responsible for the things we are doing in our lives, no matter how famous or ordinary we are and how important or trivial our actions may be. Only an ignorant and narrow-minded person can think that he is able to live on his own and his life, in its turn, does not affect others. Simple things taught by the major world religions can be explained by social sciences nowadays. Don't do the wrong, otherwise it will return to yourself. Keep off doing harm to anybody even for the sake of the biggest profit – it is the basic principle which makes man be man. We all live in a system, and any individual wrong, no matter being noticed ore ignored by others, leads to distortion. A number of small distortions may lead to the disruption of the entire system in the long run. The consequences of the wrong you have done may be immediate, and they make you recognize your mistake. But they may also be so remote that you can hardly realize the connection between the two wrongs – done by yourself and done to yourself. Most of educated businessmen seem to be aware of such things. But the way of perception may change as soon as big money comes your way. Appeals to conciseness get helpless. In order to keep social system functioning, people agreed to establish a set of judicial norms known as business ethics.


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