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The importance is not clear

Satisfaction surveys can hide the importance of people. For example, choosing a mortgage is often very influenced by counter staff in a bank or building society. Research with customers at the critical stage, where they have received a quote but not yet signed a document, shows that their interaction with the mortgage provider’s representative is the biggest single influence on their choice.

It is bigger than perceptions of the products and fees, which are often the subject of the brand’s advertising and communications. Yet in the same research conducted after the loan is given, customers may have forgotten the good customer service they received and may focus more on general brand impressions. If you conduct your research at that point – and this is often the case – the very important role that your staff have played will not be clear.

10. Now decide if these statements are true or false.

1. Advertising is by far the most important way of supporting a brand’s image.

2. Companies often don’t invest enough in counter staff.

3. Customers may become loyal to an airline if they like the cabin crew.

4. Spending money on employee training generally isn’t very beneficial to a company.

5. Most companies need to understand more about how customers behave.

6. Four Seasons and Virgin Atlantic have invested a lot in their people to build brand value.

11. Choose the best word or phrase to complete these sentences.

1. First Direct has created high customer satisfaction with _______________ interaction.

a) only a little b) frequent c) Internet-only

2. QVC customers feel that they have _______________ with the company’s presenters.

a) little time b) a relationship c) two-way communication

3. _______________ don’t always give a clear understanding of customers.

a) Satisfaction surveys b) Sales figures c) Perceptions

4. Mortgage customers’ experience with staff is _______________ influence on their decision to buy.

a) not considered a big b) almost never an c) the most important

5. It is important to ask customers’ feelings _______________.

a) at the right time b) before they become angry c) about advertising

6. Brand advertising and communication often focuses on _______________.

a) customer satisfaction b)staff c) products and fees

Source: Market Leader


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