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Check your understanding by reading the scripts below. Translate them into Russian

Sean: First of all, the book re-launch. I just wanted to remind everybody that we will be re-launching the fairy-tales range with new modern covers, and that this is going to happen at the beginning of next month. It's important that we get this right and there have been quite a few…
John: Actually Sean, can I just ask you – sorry to hold the meeting up – can I ask you about those dates, because I thought that this was going to be published the month after next, and I understand that everybody has got their dates, but I do feel quite strongly that we’re bringing this out too soon.
Sean: Well, any other thoughts before I comment on that?
Carrie: I don’t think we’ve got any choice at all about it. If the radio programmes are going out at the beginning of next month, we’ve got to launch the book at the same time if we’re going to have any sales impact.  

C. Role play. Running a Meeting.

Raising Sales

Prepare for a role play. Read the situation and the roles, and follow the procedure.

The situation

A company called “Super View” produces TV sets, mostly for a domestic market. Your main competitor is another domestic company called “Super Vision” producing TV sets of practically the same quality for the same customer. There are TV sets of some foreign producers on the market, too, but they are more expensive. Recently the demand on “Super View” company's product has decreased, and the sales have critically fallen. The Board of Directors are discussing all possible ways out of the situation. There are some foreign employees in the company, as well as some shareholders. For the meeting is of vital importance, professional translators have been invited so as every one could speak the language they are better at.

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