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I. Match the style with its definition

Autocratic style is also essentially dictatorial, however the decisions tend to be in the best interests of the employees rather than the business. The leader explains most decisions to the employees and ensures that their social and leisure needs are always met. This can help balance out the lack of worker motivation caused by an autocratic management style.
Paternalistic style the leader’s role is peripheral and staff manages their own areas of the business; the leader therefore evades the duties of management and uncoordinated delegation occurs. The communication in this style is horizontal, meaning that it is equal in both directions, however very little communication occurs in comparison with other styles. The style brings out the best in highly professional and creative groups of employees, however in many cases it is not deliberate and is simply a result of poor management. This leads to a lack of staff focus and sense of direction, which in turn leads to much dissatisfaction, and a poor company image.
Democratic style means that the direction of the business will remain constant, and the decisions will all be similar, this in turn can project an image of a confident, well managed business. On the other hand, subordinates may become dependent upon the leaders and supervision may be needed. There are two types of leaders. Directive Autocrat: makes decisions unilaterally; closely supervises subordinates. Permissive Autocrat: makes decisions unilaterally; gives subordinates latitude in carrying out their work .
Laissez-faire style The manager will ask views and opinions from their staff, allowing them to feel involved but will ultimately make the final decision.
Consultative style the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making: therefore everything is agreed by the majority. The communication is extensive in both directions (from subordinates to leaders and vice-versa). This style can be particularly useful when complex decisions need to be made that require a range of specialist skills

II. In which style would you prefer to work? Why? Identify weak and strong points of each style.

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