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Claims and Adjustments

Претензия, связанная с задержкой в поставке

10th August, 20.. Dear Sirs, Order No VC 5 8391 We are writing to you with reference to the above order and our letter of July 28th in which we asked you to expedite delivery of the 60 engines (Model 55) you were to have supplied on July 15th. We have been greatly inconvenienced by this delay because the lorries have been completed except for the engines that need to be fitted. Unless we receive the components within the next five days the order will be cancelled and placed elsewhere. Yours faithfully, ...


Ответ на претензию

l2th August, 20.. Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 10 August concerning your Order (VC 58391) which should have been supplied to you on 15July. First let me apologize for the delay and for the problems you have experienced. But as you may have read in your news­papers we are faced with an industrial dispute which has involved both administrative staff and workers on the shop floor and as a consequence has held up production over the past few weeks. However, I can tell you that the dispute has been settled and we are back to normal production. Your order has been given priority, so we should be able to deliver the engines before the end of this week. May I point out, with respect, that your contract with us had a standard clause stating that delivery dates would be met unless unforeseen circumstances arose, and we think you will agree that a dispute is an exceptional circumstance. Once again let me say how much I regret the inconvenience this delay has caused and emphasize that it was due to factors beyond our control. Please let us know if you wish to complete your order or whether you would prefer to make other arrangements. I look forward to hearing from you within the next day or so. Yours faithfully, T. Blackbell Managing Director


II. Write the similar letter.



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