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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Test C: Present Perfect and Past Simple

1. Put in the past participles of the verbs in brackets.

► We've:found (find) all the answers.

1. Have you.............................................(wash) the car?

2. You haven't.............................................(eat) very much.

3. They've.............................................(open) a new supermarket.

4. You've.............................................(write) it in pencil.

5. I've.............................................(make) the sandwiches.

6. We've.............................................(have) our lunch.

7. United have.............................................(score) a goal.

8. The balloon has.............................................(land) in a field.

9. Who's.............................................(break) this glass?

10. It's warm because the heating has.............................................(be) on.

11. Have you.............................................(sell) your flat yet?

12. I've.............................................(finish) that job at last.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it follows on from the first. Use the Present Perfect.

► My hair is tidy now. I Ve.. brushed..........my hair.

1. The door is open. Someone.............................................the door.

2. This is Oliver's drawing, look. Oliver.............................................a picture.

3. The calculator is broken. Someone.............................................the calculator.

4. United are the winners. United.............................................the game.

5. There's no more wine in the bottle. We.............................................all the wine.

6. The floor is clean now. I.............................................the floor.

7. I know my number now. I.............................................my number by heart.

8. The guests are here now. The guests..............................................

9. I'm still working on the computer. I.............................................with the computer yet.


3. Decide which word is correct.

► I'd like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it.yet?

a) done b) for c) just d) yet

1. Ben writes very quickly. He's.............................................finished his essay.

a) already b) been c) for d) yet

2. What are you going to do? ~ I don't know. I haven't decided..............................................

a) just b) long c) since d) yet

3. I've.............................................to London. I went there in June.

a) been b) gone c) just d) yet

4. Have you.............................................done any skiing?

a) ever b) for c) just d) long

5. My boyfriend hasn't rung.............................................week.

a) for b) last c) since d) this

6. I haven't seen that coat before. How.............................................have you had it?

a) already b) for c) long d) since

7. The girls have.............................................to the cinema. They won't be back until ten o'clock.

a) already b) been c) gone d) just

8. I haven't seen my parents.............................................last Christmas.

a) already b) before c) for d) since

9. This is the first.............................................I've ever lived away from home.

a) already b) since c) that d) time

10. This programme must be new. I've.............................................seen it before.

a) ever b) never c) since d) yet


4. Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (V). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary have or has out of the sentence and write it in the space.

► Susan has lost her keys. She can't find them anywhere...............v.....................

► Christopher has hurt his hand, but it's OK now. ………….has…………

1. The directors have arrived half an hour ago, but they didn't stay long


2. It's raining, and Peter has left his umbrella behind, look.


3. It's a long time since your friends have last visited us.


4. None of you have called me for weeks. Aren't we friends any more?


5. We can play tennis now. The others have finished.


6. The company has bought some land, but then it sold it.


7. The computer isn't on now. Someone has turned it off.


8. Tessa has posted the parcel. It's on its way to you.


9. Several bombs have gone off in the city centre. It has happened an hour ago.


10. Simon has left. He and Oliver have left after lunch.


5. Put in the Present Perfect or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

► I’ve had (have) these shoes since my eighteenth birthday.

I tidied (tidy) my desk, but now it's in a mess again.

1. The last time I.....................................................(go) to Brighton was in August.

2. I'd like to meet a ghost, but I.....................................................(never/ see) one.

З. I've finished my homework. I.....................................................(do) it before tea.

4. And the race is over! And Micky Simpson.....................................................(win) in a record time!

5. I.....................................................(work) for a computer company for a year. That was

after college.

6. What time.....................................................(you / get) to work this morning?

7. Martin.....................................................(be) to Greece five times. He loves the place.

8. The President..........................(come) out of the building and is going to make a speech.

9.You won't believe this, but I've got some tickets for the concert. ~ Oh, well done. How.....................................................(you / get) them?

10. Of course I can ride a bike. But I.................................................(not / ride) one for years.

11. Marilyn Monroe.....................................................(be) in about thirty films.

12.................................................(you / ever / bake) your own bread? ~ No, but I might try it

some time.

13. Janet.....................................................(be) very ill three years ago.

14. Rupert has left a message for you. He.....................................................(ring) last night.

15................................................(you / see) the news today? ~ No, not yet. I'll watch it at ten.

16. We moved here in 1993. We.....................................................(be) here a long time now.



UNIT IV. TPresent Perfect Continiou s

1. Put in the verbs. Use the Present Perfect Continious.

Ilona: Sorry I'm late.

Emma: It's OK. (►) I haven’t been waiting (I / not / wait) long. What (1) …………………… (you/do)?

Ilona: I've been with Mrs King. (2) ………………......... (she / help) me with my English.

Emma:Your English is very good. You don't need lessons, surely. How long (3) ……………………… (you / study) English?

Ilona: Er, eight years now. But my accent wasn't so good before I came to England. (4) …………………………. (I / try) to improve it. I think (5)………………….. (it / get) better lately.

Emma: Your accent is fine, Iona. Honestly.

2. Say what these people have been doing. Use these verbs: argue, cook, drive, wait, and work

►Andrew is tired because he’s been working all day.

Trevor and Laura are upset because ……………………….

David is hot because ………………………..

Mark feels very stiff because………….. all day.

Henry is annoyed. ……………a long time for Claire.


3.What could you say in these situations? Write sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous and a phrase with for. Use these verbs: play, read, swim, talk, travel, work:

► A video is on. It began two hours ago, and it hasn't finished yet.

The video has been playing for two hours.

1. Matthew went into the water an hour ago. He doesn't want to come out yet.

2. Your friends started their journey around the world three months ago. They've gone about halfway now.

3. Mark got to the office early this morning. Ten hours later he's still there.

4. Melanie rang Rita forty minutes ago, and they're still on the phone.

5. Trevor has got an interesting book. He started it quite a long time ago. Ask him how long.


4. Look at these conversations and put in the correct form of the verb. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple.

► Sarah: I feel really tired.

Mark: It's because you’ve been doing (you / do) too much.

Sarah: Well, at least I’ve finished (I / finish) that report now, and I can relax.

1. David: Someone …………. (leave) the ladder outside, look.

Harriet:I expect that's Mike ………………. (he / clean) the windows. I don't think ……………….. (he / finish) yet.

2. Laura: You've got mud on your shoes.

Trevor: It's all right, I'll take them of. ………………….. (I / work) in the garden.

Laura: Yes, it looks a lot tidier. Well one ……………… (you / do) a good job.

3. Tom: …………………………… (I / hear) that you and Harriet are building a garage. How long………………… (you / do) that?

Mike: Oh, for about a month now. (we / do) ……………..about half of it.

5. What would you ask in these situations? Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple.

► Your friend is wearing glasses. You've never seen him with glasses on before. Ask him how long...

How long have you been wearing glasses.

► Nick is playing computer games. Ask him how many...

How many computer games have you played?

You meet a group of people walking across country. Ask them how many miles...

Some workmen are digging up the road outside Sarah's house. Ask her how long...

Laura is taking lots of photos of you and your friends. Ask her how many...

You have just woken up from an afternoon sleep and seen that it is raining. Ask your friend how long...

6. Complete the conversation. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple.

Laura: What are you doing, Trevor? (►) You’ve been (you / be) in here for ages. You're making an awful mess.

Trevor: (1) ……………….. (I / clear) out this cupboard most of the afternoon. There's a lot of old stuff in here. (2)………………. (I / find) these, look.

Laura: (3) ………………… (you / sit) there staring at those old boots for the last five minutes. (4)…………………(I / watch) you. (5)…………………. (you / be) in a dream.

Trevor: They're football boots. (6) ………………. (I / have) them since I was about sixteen. (7) …………………. (they / be) in here for years.

Laura: Well, throw them away. And what about that tennis racket? Is that yours?

Trevor: No, it must be yours. (8)……………….. (I / never / have) a tennis racket.


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