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University degrees

A DEGREE is the certificate awarded by a university to a student who has successfully completed a course of study which is recognised by other universities as being of the standard of a bachelor's' master's', or doctor's degree. Universities often award certificates for non-degree courses as well.

BACHELOR'S DEGREE is the lowest degree awarded by an English or American University. A BA is a bachelor of arts degree, а ВС is a bachelor of commerce degree, a BE is a bachelor of engineering degree, a BS is a bachelor of science degree. In England BSc (Eng) is also used for a BE.

MASTER'S DEGREE is a degree obtained after a bachelor's degree and before a doctor's degree. Many master's degrees are research degrees. This means that a thesis or dissertation must be written instead of taking examinations. Many masters degrees have both. MA means Master of Arts, ME and MEng mean Master of Engineering, MS and MSc mean Master of Science.

Ph.D is a doctor of philosophy degree. PhD's are awarded for major pieces of research by Universities in English speaking countries. At some universities examinations are also required. At the University of Oxford, in England, and at Waikato University in New Zealand, PhD is called a D Phil (Doctor of Philosophy). A DSc is a higher degree than a PhD, more like a doctor's degree in the Russian educational system.

A DOCTOR'S DEGREE or a doctoral degree, is usually one which requires the completion of a piece of original research, submitted in the form of a thesis. The most common such degree is a PhD. In America PhDs usually require written examinations as well as a thesis.

DR is the abbreviation for doctor. A physician is called Dr, even if she has not obtained a doctor's degree. In the United States dentists and surgeons are also called Or, but not in Britain.

ChEng (A “Chartered Engineer”) in Britain is roughly equivalent to a “Professional Engineer (PE)” in America, or a “Diping” in Germany.

HONOURS are awards for very good work. An Honours Degree is a University degree with very high marks or with very difficult courses, or both. The American equivalent of an honours degree is a degree “cum laude”.

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