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Supplementary Reading

Text 1


The American millionaire Andrew Carnegie is known as a great philanthropist because he used his money to do good for other people. He was born in Scotland, where he also went to school. His family was quite poor. At 13 he emigrated to the United States with his parents and worked in a cotton factory in Pittsburgh. Soon afterwards he became a telegraph messenger boy*. When Carnegie was 20, his father died and he alone was left to support his mother and younger brother. He taught himself about telegraphing, became a telegraph operator in the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and then rose to be a superindendent*. He bought shares in the first company set up to run railway sleeping cars and he bought land that had oil in the west of Pennsylvania. The shares and the oil helped him make his first big money. After the American Civil War he became a steel manufacturer and built great metal works* in Pittsburgh. In 1901 he sold all his shares and other business interests to the United States Steel Corporation and retired with a fortune said to be 500,000,000 dollars, most of which he later gave to education and arts in the States, Britain and other English-speaking countries.


messenger boy (n) — a boy who is sent on little jobs in the office, like taking or bringing things, and mailing letters

superintendent (n) — a (kind of) manager

works (n) — factory

1. Andrew Carnegie was born in Pittsburgh, wasn't he?

2. When did he start working?

3. What was his first job?

4. What did he do in the telegraph office?

5. Why did he buy land in Pennsylvania?

6. He was a big oil manufacturer, wasn't he?

7. His factory in Pittsburgh made cars for railroads, didn't it?

8. Carnegie retired at sixty, didn't he?

9. He gave his money to American education, didn't he?

10. Andrew Carnegie lived through the War of Independence, didn't he?



Text 2


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