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Sports clubs


We're over in the Sports Hall every Thursday evening, so if you would like tohave a go at a friendly (!!) but effective martial (военный, боевой) art, come along and see what you think of Aikido.

Aikido is practiced by people of all ages and physical make-up, by women just as well as men, who learn you do not have to be agressive to stop yourself being pushed around.

As well as attending and organising courses with the Guildford Aikido Club, we do a fair bit of socialising (общение). There is always something going on and opportunities for you to get involved (участвовать) as much as you like.


The Chess Club meets once a week in the Nelson Mandela Room to play all levels on a social basis. The Chess Club has been meeting on a Thursday night from 7:00pm to 11:00pm but this may change subject to room availability next year.

We have one team in the first division (подразделение) of the Surrey League, which requires рeople who are interested in competition play as well as social game over a quiet pint I (the only quiet pint in the Union).

' If you would like more information about the club then please contact us via (через) the Chess Club pigeon hole (почтовый ящик) in the Union. New faces are always welcome, whatever (какой бы ни был) the standard.


If you fancy an excuse on a sunny day to stroll down (прогуляться) to the Croquet Lawn (лужайка, площадка) for a game of croquet, with the additional extras (дополнительные порции) of beer and BBQs, (barbeques) join the Croquet Club!

The University Croquet Club was only set up in October 1989, so we are still a relatively (сравнительно) small club. However, over the past year we have purchased (приобрел) our own tournament (турнир) mallets (молотки для игр) and balls. Last year we had professional coaching (тренировка, обучение), and hope to be able to continue that this year.

Croquet is played on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons throughout the summer term or, whenever you feel like a game, on the Croquet Lawn by the Department.

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