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Grammar Exercises. Ex 1: Answer these questions using the word in brackets


Ex 1: Answer these questions using the word in brackets.


a) Example: - Have you written the letter to your friend?

- Yes, I wrote it yesterday.


1. Have you accepted this invitation?

2. Has she passed her test?

3. Have you seen the film?

4. Has she rung you up?

5. Has he buy a new car?

6. Have you given up smoking?

7. Has George got his driving license?


b) Example: - I haven’t driven a car for ages. (for a long time)

- When did you last drive a car?


1. I haven’t slept well for ages.

2. He hasn’t played tennis for a long time.

3. We haven’t had a holiday for a long time.

4. They haven’t met for ages.

5. She hasn’t quarrelled with her friend for a long time.

6. I haven’t been there for ages.

7. He hasn’t done this work for a long time.


c) Example: - When did you last see him?

- I haven’t seen him for two years.


1. When did you last visit Canada? (since last year)

2. When did you last hear from her? (for a long time)

3. When did he last make a bad mistake? (never)

4. When did you last take part in a competition? (since last summer)

5. When did she last write to you? (for a year)

6. When did you last study in France? (never)

7. When did it last rain? (for a long time)


Ex 2 Replace the infinitive in brackets by the correct tense form – the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite (Active)


Example: - I (see) this film twice. I (see) it in Moscow in 1992 and in my native

town in 1995.

- I have seen this film twice. I saw it in ….


1. They (to go) to France last summer.

2. They (to live) in London for twenty years.

3. I (to learn) many new German words lately.

4. Last week I (to learn) many new English words.

5. When you (to visit) your parents last time?

6. You ever (to visit) Spain?

7. I (not to see) you at church last Sunday.

8. I (not to see) you at church since last month.

9. He (to write) the letter to his friend only yesterday.

10. You (to visit) your sick friend today?

11. When you (to go) to see him?

12. I (to read) the book twice. I first (to read) it in 1998 and I (to read) it again this year.


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