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British dinner

A typical British meal for dinner is meat and 'two veg.' A gravy covers the meat, and one of the vegetables is almost always potatoes/The British eat a lot of potatoes. However, this meal is rarely eaten nowadays — most people in Britain are eating curry. In fact, the most recent survey found that curry is now Britain's most popular meal!



Is it true that a lot of British dishes are named after places?

The rich variety of British regional cooking is reflected in the names of our favourite dishes. Many regions have their own particular speciality of sweet or savoury fare, or are famed for their local produce.

Cheeses are produced in many regions, although Cheddar, a hard cheese with a strong, nutty taste, is the most popular variety. It originates from a village in Somerset in western England, also famous for its gorge. Other types of cheeses include Cheshire, Lancashire, Stilton and Wensleydale.

Cornwall in south-west England is famous for its Cornish Pasties - a pastry case filled witli meat, potatoes and vegetables, which was the traditional midday meal of workers in the region. i

The town of Bakewell in Derbyshire has a rich pastry tart named after it. The Bakewell pudding or Bakewell tart was said to have been invented by accident, when a cook forgot to pul jam over the custard filling of a pudding - instead she spread it straight onto the pastry case and poured the custard on top. Thus a new dish was born!

Welsh cakes, a kind of sweet cake cooked on a griddle, were originally served to hungry travellers when they arrived al an inn for the night while they waited for their supper lo be cooked.

Many other dishes are named after places - from Lancashire hotpot (a casserole of meat and vegetables topped with sliced potatoes) and Dundee cake (a rich fruit cake) to Anglesey eggs (a dish of leeks, mashed potato, hard-boiled eggs and cheese sauce), baked Ulster ham, and Bath buns (a sweet bun containing spices and dried fruit, originally made in Bath, western England). Indeed, dedicated gourmets could happily munch their way from one county to another!


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