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1. barrister is alawyer who has the right to plead a case in courts of law in Great Britain (адвокат, защитник). To be a barrister a man must be a member of one of the four Inns of Court (law societies which have the exclusive right of admitting persons to the bar) and pass the Bar examination. When a young barrister begins his professional career he must join the 'chambers' (the office) of an established barrister. Solicitor is a member of the legal profession competent to advise clients, instruct and prepare cases for barristers, but not to appear as advocate except in certain lower courts (присяжный, стряпчий, поверенный). In order to become a solicitor a person must spend some time working in the office of an already established firm of solicitors, and successfully pass the examinations of the Law Society. Lawyer: one who has studied law and practises law, esp. an attorney or a solicitor (юрист).

2. New Scotland Yard is the name of the London Police headquarters. Scotland Yard is the name of the Criminal Investigation Department of New Scotland Yard.

3. a man of good character: a man of good reputation

4. an excellent war record: excellent conduct during military service (in the war)

5. have a fainting spell: to lose consciousness

6. smelling salts: a mixture with a sharp smell that helps to bring somebody who has fainted back to consciousness

7. bequest: smth. that is left to smb. after one's death

8. Go right ahead, Sir Wilfred (here): "Ask your question, Sir Wilfred."

9. He worships the ground I walk on. "He adores me."

10. That woman is up to something.... "That woman is planning something...."

11. ...the prosecution will break her down in no time: "...the prosecution will make her lose her self-control very quickly."

12. I haven't got much to goon. "I have very little evidence to build the defence upon."

13. I'll take it from here. "I'll take the case over from you."


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