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Module 2


Business is affected by legal issues.

Business cannot be run without taking into account a lot of laws and regulations, codes and standards.



This unit highlights the core vocabulary and information about the contract law. Companies usually have their in-house lawyers with them at the table of negotiations as part of the team as well as strategic-thought leaders.

Key words: breach of contract, severable contract, distribution agreement, loan agreement, legal contract.


1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

a) What type of information does a contract usually contain?

b) Why would you work with an attorney when writing/drafting a contract?


2. Listen and read the text. What will the successful applicant deal with?

Smith and Stanwell ATTOrnEYS

seek a business attorney to join our team


The candidate must have extensive knowledge of legal contracts. Our firm works with many manufacturers. You must be able to draft i requirements contract and a distribution agreement. Often, clients seek a standard agreement of sale, but a severable contract may be needed as well. Further, you must be able to recognize an adhesion contract or a breach of contract and fight for our clients if they have been wronged. This includes implied contracts.

It will be up to you to maintain and update contracts of employment, to guarantee that our clients are following all legal guidelines. Some companies may require a bilateral contract! a unilateral contract when working with outside Agents.

Finally, you must have the financial and legal knowledge to assist clients with business loan agreements.

Send your resume to the address below:

Smith and Stanwell • 105 Mountain Ave. • Pelton, Wl


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