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Лексико-грамматический тест

21. Axis

D ) axes


22. В двух шагах (близко)

B) at two step


23. Двухмесячная зарплата

A) two month’s salary


24. Choose the correct variant: Please, add … more tea in my cup.

B) Some


25. На странице 305

A) on page three hundred and five


26. 53.75 тонны

A) fifty-three point seven five tons


27. Mary doesn’t speak very …. I often have trouble understanding her.

B) clearly


28. “When is your mother coming?” “She’s … here.” E) already

29. The helicopter took half an hour to see … where Rebecca was but in the end it managed to reach her. A) exactly

30. Don’t be late … the lesson. A) for

31. When I come … home, I take … my coat. D) -/off

32. Fill in: What do you see__- the picture? E) in

33. Choose the correct answer: She serves people __ food and drink. C) With

34. Choose the correct answer: Please come __ my party __Saturday. A) To/on

35. Choose the correct answer: The train arrives __- Rome __- 4p.m. B) In/at

36. Choose the correct answer: Can you help me __ my homework? B) With

37. Choose the correct answer: I want to stay __ home this evening. D) At

38. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: What are you laughing ___? E ) at

39. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: I’m really angry ___ you! E ) with

40. … the café was crowded, we found a table. C) although

41. I’ll look after the kids … you get back. A) until

42. Sound travels at 330 meters per second … light travels at 300.000 kilometers per second. C) whereas

43. “I suppose you’ve heard the latest … B) news”, she said

44. “I liked John Wayne in this film”, he said. D) He said he had liked John Wayne in that film

45. “Как она отреагирует?”-спросил он. B) he wondered how she would react

46. The view there was wonderful. If I … a camera, I … some photos. E) Had had / would have taken.

47. If you took more exercises, you … better. B) Would feel.

48. I wouldn’t mind living in England if the weather … better. C) Were

49. Ben would have studied medicine if he … to a medical school. E) had been admitted

50. Fill in: I shall not go to Rome if it __. C) rains

51. Choose the correct answer: He ___ the work if you help him. D) Will finish

52. It cannot be denied … the latest discoveries made at the Institute are of great value to medicine. D) that

53. Paul gave the book to the girl … was waiting for it. E) who


54. Wilma asked them … the answer was. A) what

55. Choose the right word: He hasn’t … any mistakes in his dictation. E) made

56. Choose the right word: She speaks … well. She is a … E) Spanish/ Spaniard

57. The boy … he is going to stay at home. C) says

58. Choose the right word: On her way home mother usually … some shopping. A) does

59. The speaker emphasized the need for cooperation in the project that we were about to undertake. E) accentuated

60. The principal congratulated the student on his outstanding display of leadership. D) praised

61. Larry was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking. C) engrossed

62. Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. B) constant

63. After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short while, it vanished. D) disappeared

64. Choose the right word: Has the bell …? A) rung

65. In addition to being head of all … armed services, the Queen is Colonel-in-Chief of several regiments and corps in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. C) three

66. Amongst music-lovers in Britain – and indeed, in many other countries – the period between … is a time of excitement, of anticipation, of great enthusiasm. B) July and September 21

67. The nicknames of … are: the Last Frontier and Land of the Midnight Sun. D) Alaska

68. Choose the right variant C) It would be a good thing if you didn’t smoke

69. Choose the right variant C) I could do it today if I had any free time

70. Choose the right variant D) I would go to see you if I could find time


Text 1. New Zealand

71. New Zealand is a. A) South Pacific country.

72. New Zealand is a country located approximately … east of Australia. B) 1600 sq.km

73. What’s the nationality of James Cook? E) English.

74. There are the … islands, separated by Cook Strait D) North and South.

75. When did James Cook see the land? A) 1769

76. The country has no part more than … kilometers from the surrounding ocean. B) 120.

77. What land area makes New Zealand similar in size to Japan and Britain? C) 268,105

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