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Scholarships for university graduates coming from European Neighbourhood Policy countries

The EU (European Commission/DG Education and Culture) offers a large number of scholarships to university graduates coming from European Neighbourhood Policy countries for post-graduate studies at the College of Europe (Bruges or Natolin (Warsaw) campus) during the academic year 2012-2013.

These scholarships cover academic expenses, accommodation, meals and travel costs.

The countries concerned are: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.

Selection procedure:

1. Candidates are requested to visit the website of the College www.coleurope.eu and check the necessary information under 'Postgraduate Programmes' and 'Admission': admission requirements and language requirements.

2. Candidates have to register and apply online (Admission/apply online).

3. Candidates have to print the application form and send it by post to the Admissions Office of the College of Europe (address: Dijver 11, BE-8000 Brugge) with the requested documents (cf. explanatory note).
The deadline for submission of applications is 15 March 2012 (postal stamp counts).

4. After the deadline, all applications will be evaluated by the study departments at the College of Europe and a preselection will be made. Preselected candidates will be invited for a (telephone) interview with the Professors/assistants of the department(s) they have applied for. The final decisions on admission and scholarships will be taken after all interviews of the candidates from the ENP countries. Candidates will be contacted by e-mail.

Download the Flyer

(For other scholarship possibilities, please see Scholarships)


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