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III. Закончите предложения 1-9, используя окончания a-i, чтобы получился рассказ о компании Tristar Laminates


I. Viviane Rowland is the Managing Director of a small company, Tristar Laminates,...

II. Together they had successfully identified a business subsidiary...

III. Initially the three founders were the only shareholders of the company but it soon became clear that...

IV. They managed to convince a local businessman...

V. Since then Tristar’s growth has been rapid and Viviane now supervises the staff of 18 people...

VI. A threat for the future is the immediate problem that...

VII. The factory they own has become too small but...

VIII. This industry is dangerous for a small producer...

IX. When a small company makes a strategic decision like this...


a. who only has limited resources.

b. to invest 50,000 pounds in exchange for 30 per cent of the company.

c. and an operation with half a million pounds in sales.

d. which she founded with a group of entrepreneurs.

e. it can’t afford to get it wrong.

f. they would need extra capital.

g. to find an alternative site is not an easy task.

h. to produce fibreglass components for the marine industry.

i. the company has to face.



IV. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

1. Mr Clarence T. McPherson

Recruiting Specialist

The Hyde Park Group

92401 South Broadway, Suite 140

Kansas City, MO 64154


2. Recently I’ve learned that the Hyde Park Group routinely recruits and hires college graduates. Having lived in the Kansas City area for ten years, I am very familiar with your organization and its reputation for being a leader in the management consulting industry and I am certain that my education and experience would compliment the Hyde Park Group’s tradition of excellence.


3. 627 North Grand Boulevard

St.Louis, MO 63105

3 August 2014


4. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

LaRhonda S. Jackson

Kansas Community College Graduate


5. Dear Mr McPherson,



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