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Business documents. Hotels and tickets reservations miscellaneous correspondence: hotel and tickets reservations

Hotels and tickets reservations Miscellaneous correspondence: hotel and tickets reservations


А secretary of а company usually deals with а lot of miscellaneous correspondence, i. е. reservations, requests, confirmations, appointments. These documents should state clearly

· Your objective

· Places, dates and time

· Personal information, including surnames, positions, family

relations and the number of people

· Purpose of visit, if necessary

· Preferences


Look at the fax, sent to the Blue Laguna Hotel in Boston. Miss. Evergreen, the secretary of Mr. Ticoll, prepared this message upon the request of her boss, who was going to Boston on а business trip.



Fax То: Mr. Chef, The Blue Laguna Hotel From: Frank Ticoll, Co-Director, Digital World Date: 22 May, 20­   Dear Mr. Chef, I'd like to reserve а double room from 01 June 20- to 06 June 20- inclusive for ту wife, who will be accompanying те in Boston and myself. Could you make sure that the room is overlooking the Ocean, as the room I was given last year, overlooking the main street, was very noisy. We shall be arriving at approximately 19:00 hrs. Please, confirm by return.   Yours sincerely,   p.p. F. Ticoll Co-Director


The following fax deals with plane tickets reservations. Fax   То: Ms. Davis, Camerata Tours From: Frank Ticoll, Со-Director, Digital World Date: 22 May, 20­   Dear Silvia, With reference to ту telephone call to you earlier this morning, would you please book two return First Class tickets in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ticoll, who will be travelling salt Lake City - Boston on flight Trans Pacific 174 at 10:00 hrs, on Friday, 01 June 20- and Boston - salt Lake City on Flight ТР 175 at 16:00 hrs, on Wednesday, 06 June 20-.   Yours sincerely   p.p. F. Ticoll Co-Director


More Business Words


Confirm by return v. Прислать подтверждение

Miscellaneous Различное

Objective Цель

pp. (per pro) За (от имени)

Purpose of visit Цель визита

Surname Фамилия



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