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Reserves, to conduct additional exploration for oil and gas,

And to develop alternative sources of energy, including oil and

Gas, and to encourage energy efficiency, for Ukraine, Georgia,

And Moldova, including the development of associated

Transportation, storage, and refinement facilities.

(b) Promotion of United States Private Sector Participation in

Energy Development in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.--The Director of

The Trade and Development Agency should promote United States private

Sector efforts to help exploit existing natural gas reserves, to

Conduct additional exploration for oil and gas, and to develop

Alternative sources of energy, including oil and gas, for Ukraine,

Georgia, and Moldova, including the development of associated

Transportation, storage, and refinement facilities, by conducting and

Funding project preparation activities for projects in Ukraine,

Georgia, and Moldova, including feasibility studies, technical

Assistance, pilot projects, reverse trade missions, conferences, and


(c) Support From the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.--The

Overseas Private Investment Corporation--

(1) should prioritize support for investments to help

Exploit existing natural gas reserves, to conduct additional

Exploration for oil and gas, to develop alternative sources of

Energy, including oil and gas, and to encourage energy

Efficiency, for Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, including the

Development of associated transportation, storage, and

Refinement facilities; and

(2) shall implement procedures for expedited review of and,

Where appropriate, approval of, applications by eligible

Investors (as defined in section 238 of the Foreign Assistance

Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2198)) for loans, loan guarantees, and

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