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United States Code

(4) Domestic financial institution.--The term ``domestic

financial institution'' means a financial institution that is a

United States person.

(5) Financial institution.--The term ``financial

institution'' means a financial institution specified in

Subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J),

(K), (M), (N), (R), or (Y) of section 5312(a)(2) of title 31,

United States Code.

(6) NATO.--The term ``NATO'' means the North Atlantic

Treaty Organization.

(7) Russian financial institution.--The term ``Russian

financial institution'' means--

(A) a financial institution organized under the

Laws of the Russian Federation or any jurisdiction

Within the Russian Federation, including a foreign

Branch of such an institution;

(B) a financial institution substantially owned or

Controlled by one or more citizens of the Russian

Federation; and

(C) a financial institution owned, in whole or in

Part, or controlled by the Government of the Russian


(8) Senior russian official.--The term ``senior Russian

official'' means--

(A) the President of the Russian Federation;

(B) any immediate advisor of the President of the

Russian Federation;

(C) any other senior official of the Government of

The Russian Federation, including the Prime Minister,

Any deputy prime minister, and any federal minister;


(D) any immediate advisor to such an official.

(9) Senior executive.--The term ``senior executive'' means

A member of the board, chief executive officer, chief operating

Officer, chief financial officer, secretary, treasurer, general

Counsel, or chief information officer, or the functional

Equivalent thereof, of an entity.

(10) United states person.--The term ``United States

person'' means--

(A) a United States citizen or an alien lawfully

Admitted for permanent residence to the United States;


(B) an entity organized under the laws of the

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