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Mother and Child Health

Specialized medical care is given to the baby beginning with its first day of life at in­patient and polyclinic establishments for children. A special obstetrical-gynecological 1 and pediatric service has been established in Ukraine.

Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care 2 for future mothers and newborns through diagnostic and preventive-cure measures 3 to help women overcome different disorders 4 and prevent them from affecting the progeny 5.

Women who suffer, for instance, from heart defects are placed, at the time of pregnancy 6 and during delivery 7, under the observation of obstetricians, therapeutists, immunologists, hematologists.

Thanks to timely medical care and availability 8 of specific instrumentation and equipment at our hospitals, the women who suffer from such ailments 9 go through pregnancy and delivery successfully. All mother and child health advisory centers conduct disease prevention and cure work.

Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.

At present there are some research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine. Their research and methods of treatment help to control infantile infectious diseases. This comes from the tremendous efforts of our scientists.

Our medical science pays utmost attention to the health of mother and child.


1obstetrical-gynecological - акушерсько-гінекологічний

2appropriate care - належне піклування

3preventive-cure measures - лікувально-профілактичні заходи

4disorder - розлад, хвороба

5progeny - потомство

6pregnancy - вагітність

7delivery - пологи

8availability - наявність

9ailment – хвороба


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