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Answer the questions

1. How many types of blood cells does the blood contain? Name them.

2. Where are blood cells made?

3. How do we also call red blood cells? Describe them.

4. What important protein do RBCs contain?

5. When does blood get its bright color?

6. What is the main function of white blood cells?

7. The blood contains far fewer WBCs than red cells, doesn't it?

8. When does the body increase production of WBCs?

9. What do we need platelets for?

10. What is plasma?

11. What other important substances does blood contain?


Say whether the following sentences are true or false.

1. Without blood, the body's organs could get the oxygen and nutrients they
need to survive.

2. Blood cells are made within the bone marrow.

3. Whole blood is a mixture of blood cells and plasma.

4. The body contains more platelets than any other type of cell.

5. White blood cells can move in and out of the bloodstream to reach affected tissues and to fight infection.

6. When a blood vessel breaks, platelets gather in the area and help to seal off the leak.

7. When large blood vessels are cut, the body may easily repair itself through clotting alone.

8. Blood carries carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the lungs, kid­neys, and digestive system to be stored in the body.


6. Fill in the table and compare your findings with your partner's.

Component Type Life-span Function
Red blood cells (erythrocytes)    
White blood cells (leukocytes)    
Platelets (thrombocytes)    


7. Read and memorize the English idioms containing the word blood.

One's flesh and blood — a relative — родич.

To make one's blood boil (informal) — to make one angry — довести кого-небудь до сказу.

То run in the blood — to be characteristic of family members (usually of a certain feature of character, behaviour, ability, etc.) — бути у крові (це у нього в крові; родинне).


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