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Тема 2.1 Система подготовки бухгалтеров в англоязычных странах

2.1.1 Профессия «бухгалтер» в английских странах: требования, квалификации.

14. Прочитайте следующий текст и переведите его на русский язык. Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. WhatdoesBusiness Skills Development element cover?

2. What must students also write in the 3rd year?

3. What University can you get a BSc in Accounting and Finance?

4. Where can they work?

5. When dostudents study courses in personal management, marketing and business and company law?

with or without competence – со знанием или без enjoy – пользоваться Despite – не смотря на high entry requirements – высокие вступительные требования Exceed – превышать places available – имеющиеся места an essential ingredient – важная составляющая concept – понятие are widely used – широко используются The distinctive feature – отличительная черта so called – так называемый along with – наряду с crucial – важный compulsory – обязательный on a topic of their own choosing – по теме, которую они сами выбрали  
6. What year gives students a basic knowledge of the business context?


The University of Birmingham offers a course in accounting and finance with or without competence in a foreign language. The faculty enjoy s popularity in Britain. Despitehigh entry requirements the number of applicants usually exceed s the number of places available. The well-established four-year program gets you a BSc in Accounting and Finance.

The first year gives students a basic knowledge of the business context in which accounting takes place. They study subjects such as economics, statistics, law and finance. Accounting and finance form an essential ingredient in any modern organization. The students are supposed to learn such concept s as "profit and loss", "cost", and «value of money". These terms are widely used in the business world.

The distinctive feature of the first year course is its so called Business Skills Development element. It covers word processing spreadsheets and databases along with a written presentation. All these skills are crucial in the business world.

Second-year work builds on students' basic accounting and finance knowledge. And it completes students' essential business studies with courses in personal management, marketing and business and company law.

In the 3rd year compulsory accounting and finance courses bring technical competence to a high level. Along with this there are options on marketing, taxation, strategic management, small business studies and computing. The students must also write an extended essay on a topic of their own choosing.

tutorial system – университетская система прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам Attention - внимание Excellent – отличный Facilities – средства take a degree – получать степень as - в качестве
The personal tutorial system ensures that all students get the attention they need. Teaching is done by lectures and in small classes. There are excellent IT facilities at the University. At the end of the course of studies the students take a degree. After the graduation they work as professional accountants in business, finance and management.


14. а. Заполните таблицу «Список учебных дисциплин». Сравните дисциплины, которые преподают в университете Бирмингема с теми дисциплинами, которые преподают Вам.

The University of Birmingham The 1st year  
the 2nd year  
the 3rd year  
Volgograd college of gas and oil The 1st year  
the 2nd year  
the 3rd year  

14. б. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово: a BSc, high entry requirements, three-year program, enjoy popularity, competence in a foreign language, gives a basic knowledge, take a degree, graduate, write an extended essay on a chosen topic, in the business world.

1. Many universities and colleges have ________________________________.

2. Nowadays working professions don’t ________________among young people.

3. Elementary school ___________________ in reading, writing and arithmetic.

4. After the graduation from a university you will ___________ in accounting.

5._______________ means a Bachelor of Science.

6. Some students find it difficult to _____________________________________.

7. If you_________________from a university you will be able to find work as professional accountants in business, finance and management.

8. Our college offers our students a well-established_______________________.

9. To be a success ____________________ it is compulsory to be competent.

10. If you want to work for a foreign company your _______________________ is of great importance.

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