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The Institute of Professional Accountants

was set up –был основан was caused by –было вызвано the urgent necessity –настоятельной /срочной необходимостью restore -восстановить destroyed during –разрушенной во время As is known – как известно Develop -развивать throughout the country –по всей стране were left alone face to face –остались один на один reality -действительность Under these conditions – в этих условиях Moves –шагов Confronting –стоящих перед To be admitted –чтобы быть принятым
The Institute of Professional Accountants was set up in 1998. The Institute is a public non-profit institution. The creation of the Institute was caused by the urgent necessity of restoring the system of regulating accounting practices destroyed during the reconstruction of Russia's economy.

As is known, in the USSR there was a well- develop ed vertical line of regulating accounting throughout the country. During the reconstruction the main link of this vertical line – ministries, their accounting departments and the Ministry of Finance were destroyed. As a result, all Russian businesses were left alone face to face with complicated and rapidly changing reality of market economy.

Under these conditions the Ministry of Finance has taken the decision to create a new system of regulating accounting practices to meet modern demands. One of the first moves on this way was the foundation of the Institute of Professional Accountants.

At present the IPA is playing an important role in the solution of many problems confronting accounting in Russia.

To be admitted to the membership of the IPA you need to do in-service training course. As a rule the course lasts for at least about 240 academic hours. After the course professional examinations are usually taken to be certified. You may take in-service training courses either at the Institute of Professional Accountants itself or at the Training Methodological Centre of your region. The Institute operates over 200 such centers throughout Russia where accountants are retrain ed and certified.

in-service – either … or…-или…или… such –такой/подобный throughout –по всей retrain –переподготавливать кадры
The Institute of Professional Accountants also takes an active part in reforming accounting in Russia and bringing it into a line with international standards.

3. а. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово: accounting department, the Ministry of Finance, market economy, create a new system, to meet modern demands, region, throughout Russia, take an active part in, international standards, the reconstruction of Russia's economy.

1. The mixed economy stands between the command and the _____________.

2. Volgograd _________________ is rich in mineral resources.

3. Great changes in the national economy are taking place __________ now.

4. There are some differences between national and ________________.

5. Outsourcing can ________________ of providing services in accounting.

6. Our students _________________________ the life of our college.

7. An accountant must take refreshment courses from time to time _________.

8. Accounting records are held in the _____________________________.

9. Who is at the head of __________________________ now?

10. It will take many years and much money to complete ________________.

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