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Photophobia / Р / 57

Phacoemulsification [gr. phakos "lens, lentil"+emulsification] - cataract extraction method, consisting in the crushing of the lens substance by the ultrasound with the following aspiration

Phacodonesis [phacodonesis < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + gr. "fluctuation, tremble"] - lens trembling in the eye movements

Phacomalacia [phacomalacia < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + gr. malakia "softness"] - lens disruption, caused by the disorder of its capsule integrity and developing dystrophic process

Phacoprosthesis [gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + prosthesis], syn. implantation of the intraocular lens - an implantation of the artificial lens into the eye-globe in aphakia

Phacosclerosis [phacosclerosis < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + sclerosis] - hardening of the central part of the lens (compression of the lens substance)

Phorometer [(hetero)phoria + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - an instrument for the determination of the type and degree of heterophoria

Phlyctena [phlyctaena < gr. phlyktaena "blister, vesicle"], syn. phlyctenule - in ophthalmology: an infiltration, located in the superficial layers of the cornea (more often in the limbus region) or conjunctiva of the eye-globe

Photokeratometry [gr. phos, photos "light" + gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a method of the determination of the corneal anterior surface topography by means of keratogrammas

Photokeratoscope [gr. phos, photos "light" + keratoscope] - an instrument for the corneal photography to reveal corneal form deviations and to estimate approximately the corneal astigmatism

Photocoagulation [gr. phos, photos "light" + coagulation], syn. lightcoagulation - an artificial coagulation of the pathologically changed tissues by the influence of the strong flow of the light radiation, e.g. the xenon lamp or laser; mainly is used in the ophthalmology

Photonystagmography [gr. phos, photos "light" + nystagmography] - nystagmus examination method: registration on the photokimograph of the oscillations of the light ray, reflected by the mirror, placed on the eye-globe

Photoophthalmia [photoophthalmia < gr. phos, photos "light" + ophthalmia] - a lesion of the conjunctiva and eye-lid skin by the ultraviolet, strong visible or infrared radiation

Photoopthalmotonometry [gr. phos, photos "light" + opthalmotonometry] - a method of the eye optic media refractive power determination, based on the photoshooting of the optic sections

Photoopthalmotonometer [gr. phos, photos "light" + opthalmotonometer], syn. electrotonometer - an instrument for the intraocular pressure measurement by the photoelectric method

Photopsia [photopsia < gr. phos, photos "light" + gr. opsis "vision"] - an appearance of the flashing sparks, spots, zigzag lines and other light phenomena in the visual field

Photostress [gr. phos, photos "light" + stress], syn. light blow - an effect of the influence on the eye of the intensive light irritation, characterized by the temporary more or less significant decreasing of the visual functions

Photophobia [photophobia < gr. phos, photos "light" + gr. phobos "dreads, fear"] - increased eye sensibility to the light irritation


58 / Р / Pingueculum (pinguecula)

Pingueculum (pinguecula) [pinguecula, pinguicula < diminutive from lat. piugue, pinguis "fat"] - a part of the eye-globe conjunctiva of yellowish colour, represents hyaline degeneration of the tissue

Pleoptics [< gr. pleion, pleon "big, large" + gr. optikos "refering to the vision"] - a part of the ophthalmology, developing the methods of the amblyopia treatment

Pleoptophore [<gr. pleion, pleon "big, large" + gr. optikos "refering to the vision"+ gr. phoros "carrying"] - an optic instrument for the amblyopia treatment

Poliopia [polyopia < gr. polys "many" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. poliopsia - a disorder of the visual perception, in which single fixed object seems to be numerous

Poliophthalmoscope [<gr. polys "many" + ophthalmoscope] — an educational ophthalmoscope, providing the simultaneous observation of the eye fundus by a few persons

Polychromatic plates, syn. pseudoisochromatic tables - tests for the color vision examinations

Polycoria [polykoria < gr. polys "many" + gr. kore "pupil"] - a developmental anomaly: presence in the iris of two or more pupil openings

Precipitate [< lat. praecipito, praecipitatum "fall down impetuously"] - in ophthalmology: a limited accumulation of the fibrin, leucocytes, other cells and pigmented epithelium particles on the posterior surface of the cornea

Preglaucoma [< lat. prae "before" + glaucoma] - a premorbid condition of the eye, which can transform into the initial stage of the primary glaucoma

Presbyopia [presbyopia < gr. presbys "old, oldest, old man" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. old-age sight - a loss of the accommodation with age

Pretrachoma [praetrachoma < lat. prae "before" + trachoma] — an early stage of the trachoma development

Proptosis [proptosis <gr. proptosis "fall forwards"] - a pathological displacement of the organ or its part forwards; this term referes to the eye-globe

Protanomaly [protanomalia < gr. protos "first, primary", proton "at first" + anomaly], syn. red weakness - form of the anomalous trichromatopsia, characterized mainly by the weakness of the red colour perception

Protanopia [protanopia < gr. protos "first, primary", proton "at first" + gr. negative prefix an-+ gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. red-blindness - dichromatopsia (dichromazy) form, in which perception of the red colour is absent

Proxymetry [proxymetria < lat. proximalis "situated nearer to centre+ gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - method of determination of the nearest point of the clear vision by the special device proximeter

Pseudoglaucoma [pseudoglaucoma < gr. pseudos "lie" + glaucoma], syn. false glaucoma - a pathological condition of the eye, characterized by glaucoma-like changes of the ophthalmoscopic picture and normal level of the intraocular pressure

Pseudomyopia [pseudomyopia < gr. pseudos "lie" + myopia] - false myopia, caused by the accommodation spasm

Pseudoneuritis, optic [pseudoneuritis optica < gr. pseudos "lie" + neuritis], syn. false optic neuritis - an optic nerve anomaly, which ophthalmoscopic picture reminds of its inflammation

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