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COMMENTS. 2. Lay peer - светский пер

1. peer - пер

2. Lay peer - светский пер

3. Peerage - званние пера

4. Lords Spiritual - епископы или духовные лорды

5. Lords Temporal - светские лорды


Ex. 1. Give the Russian equivalents for:

A constitutional hereditary monarchy, head of state, executive power, to be wielded by a prime minister, majority party, the House of Commons, debates new primary legislation, bishops, armed forces, non-elected, to swear allegiance, public expenditure, to perform a representative and integrating role, promptly and without amendment, the upper chamber, in times of war and crisis, a two-chamber system, peer, Lords Spiritual, to be constituted on entirely different principles, senior and influential nobility, a wide range of issues, the highest court of appeal, the ruling party, the parliamentary loyalty.

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences:

  1. The House of Commons is traditionally regarded as …
  2. As with the House of Lords, the House of Commons …, but the Commons has …
  3. Money Bills", concerned solely with taxation and public expenditure, are always introduced in …
  4. Members of the House of Lords (known as " peers ") consist of …
  5. Members of the House of Lords are …
  6. The House of Lords considers …
  7. The Committees of the House …
  8. The House of Lords is also …
  9. The most important political role in the British democratic system….
  10. The Prime Minister's power is based on …

Ex.3 Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary. Retell the text:


Great Britain is a monarchy, but powers of Queen are limited … the Parliament, which consists… two Chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Everything in the country is officially done… the name of the Queen (or King), but, in reality, the MP is responsible…the policy conducted …the Parliament.

Peers sit in the House of Lords; in the House of Commons representatives of the people … England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland take their seats.

The essence of the British Constitution is based … two main principles: sovereignty of Parliament, the rule… law. The latter protects every citizen … the state.

Ex.4 Answer the following questions:

1. The House of Commons is traditionally regarded as the upper house, isn’t it?

2. What are functions of the House of Commons?

3. Who does the House of Lords consist of?

4. Does the House of Lords consider legislation and provide a forum for government ministers to be questioned?

5. Who is responsible for the state policy?

6. Which of these people aren't elected: a peer, the Queen, the Prime Minister?

7. British prime ministers are powerful, aren’t they?

8. What role do prime ministers play in the British democratic system?

9. What kind of political system does Great Britain have?

Ex.5 Translate into English:

1. Традиционно, Палата Общин считается нижней палатой, но это главная парламентская арена для политической борьбы.

2. Законы, касающиеся налогообложения и государственных расходов, всегда представляются в Палату Общин и должны быть приняты лордами незамедлительно и без поправок.

3. Палата Лордов является верхней палатой Британского парламента и состоит из епископов и светских членов.

4. Палата Лордов обсуждает вопросы законодательства, рассматривает широкий спектр проблем и готовит доклады по ним.

5. Палата Лордов – это также высший апелляционный суд в Великобритании.

6. Наиболее важную роль в Британской демократической системе играет премьер-министр.

7. Британские премьер-министры могущественны, так как они имеют огромную власть, основанную на парламентской лояльности его или ее партии.

Ex.6 Scan the whole text. You have met a lot of new words in it. Copy the following table in your notebooks. Write as many words and expressions as you can think of to complete it.

Monarch Parliament Government Judiciary Legislation Other
The Queen reigns The House of Commons Prime Minister court bill Political battle

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