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Trillions at Stake

A paradoxical situation has developed: Whereas in the world's mean statistical product, the raw material component does not exceed 20 percent, in Russia the figure stands around 50 percent. This makes it impossible for the processing, agricultural and food industries, as well as many service providers, to operate profitably. Enterprises are going bankrupt and closing, people are losing their jobs and wages, while producers are losing buyers. The domestic economy is suffering, verging on collapse.

As a result, the population overpays another 3 trillion rubles to raw material producers. In 2005, thanks to CBR's efforts, Russia overpaid about 6 trillion rubles, or more than one-third of the nation's GDP that year.

Later, the Finance Ministry, as it collects taxes from the 6 trillion that was effectively given away to the raw materials producers, pretends that these are production taxes, therefore taking, for example, only 4 trillion. The remaining "windfall" 2 trillion rubles form "super profits" and are shown in the books as a result of their effective operation, as well as the purportedly natural profitability of Russia's raw materials sectors.

This money does not return to the economy, but only a boom at specific points, such as the stock market, the real estate market, and foreign car sales. This only harms the economy insofar as it creates anti-market imbalances. It turns out that raw materials producers, who incidentally cause enormous environmental damage to the country, not only do not pay any taxes, but on the contrary, receive a subsidy from Russia's poverty stricken population at a rate of approximately 6 trillion rubles a year.

The Finance Ministry receives another 2 trillion rubles in taxes and duties from industries unrelated to the raw materials sector. In other words, in 2005, 8 trillion rubles was taken away from the country's population, whereas on paper it is made to look as though the raw materials producers contributed 4 trillion, with other sectors injecting a mere 2 trillion, thus giving the impression that the raw materials exporters feed the whole country.

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