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Making Presentation in English


While making presentation in class alone or together with your friend, you should do you best to provide common and specific information on the topic you’ve chosen. You should also try to do it in the most effective and understandable way. To be successful, it would be better to observe the following recommendations:

- first of all, make a plan which will include the introduction, the body of presentation and the conclusion. Make notes in order to widen every item and not to forget the details;

- usual time frame is 5-7 minutes (for the audience not to feel tired);

- use the words and phrases from the list given below for your classmates to be interested in your topic and not to loose the line of you logic;

- watch the audience (!) and evaluate the impression you produce, emphasize the most important items and even repeat them to make your speech brighter and more attractive;

- always be ready for questions and even initiate them yourself to explain the most difficult for understanding spaces;

- if it is possible, use some pictures, diagrams, video or audio fragments to make your story vivid and alive;

- don’t forget to thank your audience for listening to you.



Typical phrases we use in presentations:

For the introduction:


Good morning, everyone.

Let me introduce myself…

I’d like to introduce my colleagues…

The purpose of presentation:

My purpose today is to…

I’ll be talking about…

The subject of my presentation is …

The presentation is divide into ___ parts.

Firstly, I’ll speak about…

Then I’ll move to ….

Finally, I’ll…

For the main body of your presentation:

So, let’s get started.

Now let’s look at …

The main thing is …

I’d like to draw your attention to …

After this…


It should be pointed out that…

Please, look at the screen …

For the conclusion:

To sum up,…

As you now can see,…

In conclusion,…

So, that brings us to the end of the presentation. I hope…

If you have any questions you are free to ask them.




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