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Экзаменационный билет по иностранному языку

(АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК) в РГСУ в 2014 году


Choose the correct answer:

1. Moscow is famous ______ its museums.

a) for, b) with, c) of, d) by.

2. We’d love _______at a new restaurant tonight.

a)eating, b) to eat, c) to be eating, d) having eaten.

3. When ______in London?

a) have you arrived, b) did you arrive, c) you have arrived, d) you arrived.

4. It’s the restaurant ________serves Chinese food.

a) who, b) what, c) that, d) is.

5. Our teacher _______the text again.

a) made us to read, b) make us red, c) made us reading, d) has made us read.

6. It’s time _______________.

a) that we have a break, b) to have a break, c) we will have a break, d) having a break.

7. Will you go _______working after the baby’s born?

a) for, b) on, c) in, d) about.

8. It is _______magical tourist destination full of green lakes and beautiful snow-capped mountains.

a) ----, b) the, c) a, d) an.

9. Jam _____from apples.

a) makes, b) made, c) is made, d) is making.

10. “________we go out for dinner?” “Certainly!”

a) Might, b) Can, c) Shall, d) Need.

11. “Which shoes do you like?” “The black ______”.

a) one, b) ones, c) those, d) these.

12. My sister is in hospital. I’m going to visit _______tomorrow.

a) hers, b) she, c) her, d) it.

13. We are going to the beach ______the weekend.

a) in, b) on, c) at, d) by.

14. Let’s go to the disco, ________?

a) don’t we, b) could we, c) won’t we, d) shall we.

15. “________did you go last night?” “To my friend’s place”.

a) What, b) Which, c) When, d) Where.

16. Mary was gardening ______Jane was painting the kitchen.

a) when, b) as soon as, c) after, d) while.

17. He said that he _______to England yet.

a) hadn’t been, b) didn’t be, c) wasn’t, d) wasn’t been.

18. By 2008, Michael _______five countries in Europe.

a) had already been visiting, b) was already visiting, c) already visited, d) had already visited.

19. My father’s birthday is on a Friday _______year.

a) this, b) that, c) those, d) the.

20. I expect we _______there in half an hour.

a) are being, b) will be, c) are, d) will have been.

21. I’am a bit absentmanded, _______?

a) am I not, b) am I, c) I am not, d) isn’t it.

22. “_______IPod is this?” “”It’s Mark’s”.

a) Who, b) Whose, c) Who’s, d) Which.

23. My father is used to _______.

a) to smoke, b) smoke, c) smoking, d) smokes.

24. Dolphins are so intelligent _______they can communicate with people.

a) that, b) than, c) for, d) because.

25. My mother always gives me _______.

a) good advices, b) the good advice, c) a good advice, d) good advice.

26. We congratulated our friend _______passing his exams.

a) on, b) for, c) about, d) with.

27. _______you _______if the city workers are on strike tomorrow?

a) Have/heard, b) Are/hearing, c) Will/hear, d) Do/hear.

28. He is very experienced because he has been working here _______six years.

a) since, b) for, c) during, d) by.

29. The party ended _______midnight.

a) until, b) at, c) on, d) in.

30. May you stop talking, please? I’m _______the phone.

a) at, b) with, c) on, d) in.

31. He turned _______the light and looked around the room.

a) off, b) up, c) on, d) down.

32. Nick takes _______his mother. He is very sensitive.

a) after, b) down, c) over, d) from.

33. Mary isn’t here. She has gone out _______lunch.

a) at, b) for, c) with, d) on.

34. We must be home by ten o’clock _______the latest.

a) in, b) on, c) at, d) by.

35. “You can always turn _______me for help”, he said to me.

a) on, b) to, c) out, d) down.

36. She can’t forgive him _______ruining her favorite dress.

a) about, b) of, c) for, d) at.

37. Frank has taken _______jogging to keep fit.

a) over, b) down, c) through, d) up.

38. Peter turned _______half an hour late for the meeting.

a) out, b) up, c) down, d) back.

39. ______breakfast on the train was disgusting.

a) a, b) an, c) the, d) ---.

40. The waiter had to change the plates several times, _______?

a) had he, b) hadn’t he, c) did he, d) didn’t he.

41. He could open the lock _______.

a) easy, b) easily, c) most easy, d) easiest.

42. This has been _______food I’ve ever eaten.

a) worst, b) the worst, c) bad, d) the bad.

43. Take your umbrella, it is _______.

a) windy, b) frosty, c) foggy, d) rainy.

46. Didn’t you see the movie _______Sunday?

a) at, b) on, c) in, d) for.

44. He has been unemployed _______he left the college.

a) for, b) before, c) since, d) during.

45. _______there any news in your friend’s letter?

a) are, b) were, c) have, d) is.

46. Didn’t you see the movie _______Sunday?

a) at, b) on, c) in, d) for.

47. The plane landed safely _______the two mountains.

a) among, b) on, c) between, d) in.

48. The books _______for me or _______to me as presents.

a) often bought/just gave, b) was often bought/was just given,

c) were often bought/were just given, d) often bought/gave just.

49. _______I went with my parents I always took my favorite books with me.

a) Weather, b) Whatever, c) Whether, d) Wherever.

50. The information is top secret, naturally, everybody is interested in _______.

a) them, b) they, c) it, d) their.



в РГСУ в 2014 ГОДУ


1) Si tu … encore un pas, tu tomberas.

A. feras B. fais C. fasses D. ferai


2) Si tu acceptes leur invitation, ils … contents.

A. seront B. seraient C. sont D. étaient


3) Si le temps le …, nous passerons la nuit dans la fôret.

A. permettra B. permettrait C. permet D. permis


4) Si vous … à 18 heures, vous serez en retard.

A. sortez B. sortiriez C. sortirez D. êtes sortis


5) Je t’offrirai une voiture si tu … à conduire.

A. apprendras B. apprennes C. appris D. apprends


6) Il faut que tu … avec moi.

A. viens B. venis C. viennes D. vient


7) Il veut que vous … ce travail.

A. faites B. faisiez C. fassiez D. faisez


8) Il est possible qu'on … un nouvel immeuble en face de notre école.

A. construit B. construite C. construisit D. construise

9) Il faut que tu … une décision rapide.

A. prendras B. prends C. prennes D. prendrais


10) …-vous m’aider, s’il vous plait.

A. pourrais B. puissiez C. pouvez D. pourriez


11) J’ … qu’il devienne traducteur.

A. aimes B. aimerais C. aimerai D. aimais


12) Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il … raison.

A. a B. aille C. ait D. eut


13) Il … mieux partir plus tôt.

A. vaut B. vaudrait C. vaudra D. vaille


14) Ils seraient heureux s’ils … réaliser leur rêve.

A. peuvent B. puissent C. pouvaient D. pourraient


15) Si elle était libre, elle … voir sa copine.

A. ira B. va C. irait D. allait


16) Venez … nous! - Nous ne pouvons pas. Demain nous devons partir... Londres.

A. à … à B. chez … à C. à … par D. chez... vers


17) Je dois les conduire à la gare. Ils partent … Moscou … Petersbourg.

A. de … vers B. à … de C. de … à D. de… par


18) Le chauffeur du taxi lui a … son parapluie.

A. raccompagné B. remis C. rapporté D. conduit


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