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Smiling in your passport photo will be banned



Match each article given below to the corresponding headline.

Complete the articles by adding necessary auxiliaries and prepositions.

A. Special security measures..............introduced......... the UK Passport Service to help facial recognition scanners to function properly. Tinted glasses, head coverings and even dummies in babies' mouths……banned. The new passport….. fitted ……..a microchip containing all information about its holders. But only a neutral expression …….detected the scanning machines. Existing passport pictures which do not meet the rules….. accepted until the document expires.

B. A second major seizure of cocaine …… made by Custom officers in a week from a ship at Dover cargo port. Three plastics bags containing 3kg of the Class A drug worth around Ј1.6m ……. found in the hold of a ship loaded …….bananas. Officers seized the Liberian-registered Horncliff when it arrived in Kent from Colombia on Wednesday. No arrest ……. yet………. made. The find follows the discovery of 120kg of cocaine worth Ј7.2m on Monday.

C. Two of the world's most important terror suspects ….. seized ……… Scotland Yard. One……..said to be a senior al Qaeda operative while the other…….........................................................................accused of being a major fundraiser for terrorism around the world. Ali Abu Abec…. arrested in Willesden yesterday: he …… believed …… US intelligence to be trusted aides of Osama bin Laden and to have plotted to blow up Jewish target and financial institutions. The other man, Mohammed Ali Khan, 30, lived in Chelsea: he……... accused of using websites and emails to supply money and property for acts of terrorism. He ……said……New York Times to be a relative of Osama bin Laden.


Unit 4 Customs Reforms in Russia and Abroad

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