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Text A. Firmness: how does the building stand UP.

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования

«Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»



Общестроительный факультет



Кафедра иностранных языков






для студентов I курса направлений подготовки 270100 – архитектура,

270900 – градостроительство, 270300 – дизайн архитектурной среды, 270200 – реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия



УДК 811.111:378.147(076.6)


Рецензент к.филол.н. Воеводская Т.Б.

Английский язык: Задание № 133для студентов I курса направлений подготовки 270100 – архитектура, 270900 – градо-строительство, 270300 – дизайн архитектурной среды, 270200 – реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия / сост.: М.Я.Креер, А.М.Гореликова; СПбГАСУ. - СПб., 2013. – 62 с.


Задание состоит из нескольких частей. Каждый урок включает тексты, лексические и грамматические упражнения, лексику по данным специальностям.

Тексты для чтения и перевода заимствованы из оригинальной научно-технической литературы по архитектуре и строительству. Тексты для аудиторного чтения «А» предназначены для развития навыков перевода по специальности. Некоторые слова даются перед текстами «А», чтобы облегчить ориентирование в материале. Тексты «В» и «С» способствуют развитию навыков быстрого чтения. Грамматические реалии, встречающиеся в задании, изучаются в упражнениях. В конце задания имеются приложение и словарь терминов.



ã Санкт-Петербургский государственный

архитектурно-строительный университет, 2013


Exercise 1. Translate the auxiliary words:

since, so, as to, whereas, until, between, for, hence, thus, neither.


Exercise 2. Words to be remembered:

structure – конструкция, строение

delight – восторг

physical structure – реальная конструкция

perceptual structure – конструкция в нашем восприятии

column – колонна

compare – сравнивать

masonry walls – каменные стены

suspend – подвесной, подвешивать

cover – покрывать

arise – возникать

hide – прятать, скрывать

gravity – притяжение

affect – влиять

force – сила

dominate – доминировать

cathedral – собор

lift – подъем

support – опора, поддержка


Exercise 3. Read and translate text A:


The most apparent part of a building is its structure, or what makes it stand up. This may be more noticeable nowadays than it once was, since architects and engineers take delight in making structures do more and more work with less and less material, seemingly defying gravity. The tension we may feel when looking at a structure so del­icate as to seem in danger of col­lapse illustrates the difference between the physical structure, the literal bones of the building that do the work, and the percep­tual structure, or what we see. They are not the same, for a column may be much larger than structurally necessary simply to reassure us that it is indeed big enough for the job. Such is the case with the thick columns of the Temple of Poseidon at Paestum, Italy in a comparison between Lever House, New York, by Skidmore, Owings and Mer­rill, 1951-55, and the neighboring New York Racquet and Tennis Club, by the office of McKim, Mead & White, 1916-19, we see the difference between a wall of glass that hides the structure and a massive masonry wall. The wall of the Racquet and Tennis Club looks stronger than it needs to be, and gives us the assurance of structural excess, whereas the actual physical columns of Lever House are covered by a suspended skin of green glass, and there is no readily perceptible clue as to what holds the build­ing up. We know from experience that sheets of glass by themselves cannot hold up a building of that size, so we must hunt for the actual structure (the architects force us into a land of game) until we finally see the columns emerge at the base of the building. This play between what we know to be a heavy building and its suggested weightless­ness is part of the appeal of these glass-skinned skyscrapers.

We grow up with a good sense of gravity and how it affects objects around us, for from the first moment we try to move our limbs we experi­ence the pull of gravity. We develop early a way of understanding objects around us through empathy, of imagining ourselves inside the object and feeling how gravity works on it.

The architect played with our differ­ent perceptions of solid stone and transpar­ent glass, knowing that we would sense one building as solid and "heavy" and the other as "light." Some architects, in fact, have taken pains to accentuate the sense of weight.

Part of our perception of architecture has to do with this empathetic analysis of how forces are handled in buildings. Hence, when we see the Parthenon in Athens, the careful balance of vertical and horizontal elements, in which neither domi­nate, suggests a delicate equilibrium of forces and thus exemplifies the Greek philo­sophical ideal. In contrast, Gothic architec­ture, as represented by the east end of the cathedral of Beauvais, France, is char­acterized by soaring, thin vertical supports, and a multiplicity of vertical lines.


Exercise 4. Translate the words:

structure, masonry wall, columns, emerge, cover, suspend, glass, temple, defy, consider, weightlessness, experience, delight, excess, appeal, exemplify.

Exercise 5. Choose the right translation from A to B:

A: column, emerge, cover, defy, consider, weightlessness, experience, excess, material, perceptual structure, skin, clue, sheet, base, skyscraper, suggest.

B: опыт, лист, подсказка, считать, невесомость, предлагать, пренебречь, избыток, небоскреб, воспринимаемая конструкция, основа, оболочка, возникать, покрывать, колонна, материал.


Exercise 6. Are these meanings correct or incorrect? Correct the mistakes:

experience – квалификация

struсture – структура

cover – покрывать

temple – храм

delight – красота

masonry wall – каменная стена

emerge – объединять

excess – доступ

denial – соответствие

skyscraper – небоскреб

project (v.,n.) – проект, выступать


Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations:

take delight, in comparison with, sheets of glass, glass-skinned skyscrapers, pull of gravity, solid stone, transparent glass, delicate equilibrium, take pains, suspended skin of green glass.


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